I also had a "White Screen" game crash from A9 1st flight was in a N1K2-J this happened on my Windows XP Pro 32 bit partition......
this was my 1st experience of this "White Screen" game crash, ever.......
I immediately rebooted into my Windows 7 64 bit and relaunched from the same base in the Blue LWA A9.. no problems outside of some warping planes.......the rest of my night flying in this arena.....
went to the DA and launched a N1K2-J ( still using my windows 7 64 bit OS ) and 1st launch as a bishop at furball lake... I experienced my 2nd "White Screen" game crash......
in all the 10 years of playing this game, I have never seen anything like this
this is totaly different than the Mass Disco's we experienced in this Last FSO last Friday night, or the 3rd Frame of Coral Sea Scenario Saturday Afternoon.....
can post DXDIAG's if needed.......