Those are some great ideas Viper. Coversations between Bmzawy and myself have been narrowed down to jeep racing for the off FSO nights with some creative ideas like some you've mentioned. The reason for jeeps only is not to infringe on Heavy Metal Sunday run by SheGotya and Marshal.
The ideas of gauntlets and Tigers and other shooting stuff would fall into HMS stuff. Those are specifically for GV'ers on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. I've done a few and found them to be a blast.
The main idea for the jeep race is really the off road racing. Traveling up and down hills, valleys, and wooded areas, jeeps races can be anyone's game depending on what route you take. Incorporating some relay like events would be perfect.
Bmbz and myself would like more people to post some ideas for jeep races. The best thing is to go offline and load the different maps. Criteria has fallen into these areas.
1) Races for a finish should be no more than 45 minutes. Longer races should be warned for time to allow players the option of not partcipating.
2) Routes should be easy to follow using landmarks in game (train station, only windmill on top of high hill, lake, bridges etc.)
Options are starting points as to VH's and spawn points, base capture for finish including all town down or players have to take down town and supply troops from 1 troop to 150 troops to win, darkness and fog, combat or non-combat, to name a few.
I like the ideas of relays and buddy races for future events.
Keep 'em coming!!