I'm working on a fairly large map atm, that i thought would be excellent for sea battles, and still allow the use of ground vehicles. Basically, the borders of the map are land, with a huge "Ocean" in the middle, with 3 main islands that can be held by each country. This way, ground vehicle combat could be done around the outsides of the map, and sea battles can take place in the middle. I feel it has a great potential once we get landing craft, ports, etc. Unfortunately, until i get a major processing power increase, i'm not working on it too much. it's a pain trying to place objects/edit terrain with a P2 266 and 5 fps avg while editing
I'm also waiting to finish it until 1.05 comes out, so that i can (hopefully) use new textures/objects that are put out for the terrain editor for it. Can't wait for it to come out. Keeping my fingers crossed for dec 1st
my thinking is they'll coordinate it with a new tour