I am beggining to think you must have already modified this post or am I way off here.
Whats so offensive?
Hes obviously a bit upsett but really
I am a service provider and I would have said:
"I understand your concerns and we are working on further up dates, please bare with us and I am sure all these issues will be resolved. In future could you E mail with your individual problems and issues and we will do our best to help you. Thanks for your continuing patience and support"
Do you not think that it is time to take this to HTC through email?
Directly questioning a business in a public forum is counterproductive.
Though this may not be your intention, and I'm sure it's not, airing things like this out in the forum makes you appear as though you are trying to 'rally support' and team up on the company. Given that this particular issue is directly focused on a member of staff, it's entirely reasonable for this to be viewed as something of an adversarial approach.
This means that the company will be on the back foot when responding to you and this means you will never get the answers you're looking for.
If you have an issue with HTC's conduct, take it to them through private means.
Who knows what might happen then? They might, for example, be able to sit back in the cold light of day and come to agree with you in that setting. In this case, I like the way they've not put up with crap, but it's not impossible that they come around to your way of thinking if you present a good enough argument in private.
That will not happen here because the company will always be on the defensive.
Whilst you're not rude and carrying on like a brat like the OP, you're not resolving your issue in the most appropriate manner. You seem to have a brain, Yarbles.... you know what the right thing to do is.
And really.... if you think about it logically, now that you've openly questioned a member of staff in public, what's he going to think of you if you ever need to contact them for help? HT is only human, he's not some cyborg purveyor of WWII sim goodness. I know I don't bend over backward for customers who give me the chits or make life harder than it needs to be.
I don't treat them badly or stop providing the service, but I certainly don't give them my all. For my good customers, I go the extra mile. I'll stay back after hours, I'll come in on my days off, I'll deliver their goods personally, in my own car. I work hard for the people who treat me well and in turn, they work hard for me. They bring me more business and offer assistance in their fields. For example, one of my customers is going to swing by in his mate's Lamborghini Murcielago next time he's back in Melbourne. That's how business works.
Help is a two-way street. People are people, they're not impartial wizards of the business world.
If you want the best service you have to be on the best terms with the business. That's how life is and that's how business is. It's not about sucking up, either. It's about being genuine and doing the right thing by the people you deal with in either the customer or employee/owner role.
With that, I am going to withdraw from this thread. The OP has been lashed more than enough and nothing else good will come of this.
If anyone feels the need to respond directly to what I've said, feel free to PM me. I'll be happy to continue the conversation there.