While I understand these wishes, and believe those proposing them simply want to improve the game. I think the end product would be the game wouldnt be improved by removing icons. The simple fact is, and Im getting back to the original post, that its unrealistic to expect you should be able to motor in alone, in a Panzer-IV, to an enemy air base and not get pulverized by air power.
There is no Historical comparison to suggest otherwise. Single tanks simply did not deploy like that in actual war and no tank commander in his right mind would have tried. Armor worked best support by friendly air cover, flak, and artillary. A weak link in an enemies front line would be penetrated and off the GV columns would go.
You talked about all the care you took deploying to the base without admiting the deployment itself was flawed. Ive made some suggestions that would energize the GV war but didnt get much support for it. Instead we keep getting threads wishing for no icons or gelded attack airplanes.
Ill give you a tip. If you upp a T-34, park it under cover, on a slope where its tipped a bit to the side, makes it very hard for an IL2 to punch thru the top armor. Thats why a tracked tank often cant be finished off.
Other tips are obvious. Dont drive in the conga line, bring flak with you, make sure ords are taken out....ect
Maybe lessen the distance needed to see GV icons. Down to 1,000 maybe. That wouldnt be a bad compromise and would make flak even more effective against attack planes. Make it easier for spawning GVs to tower out, "another suggestion". Even tho such things would go against an IL2 stick like myself. In the end they would energize the GV war which would also increase the IL2 action. So thats a good thing.
I see good things happening GV-wise for the future. No matter which side of the ball your on.