Allied orders should be out by Tuesday night
Arena Settings:- Ardens08 terrain- Fuel burn 1.0- Icons short (3k)- 0.5 Ack- Fighter and Bomber warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)- Haze/fog full visability (17 miles)- Radar off- Enemy Collisions On- Friendly collisions off- Killshooter off- Time: 15:00 ( 3PM ) Game Clock- Formations: On- Bomber calibration: Manual- Wind: 0-2K NO WIND 2K-18K N TO S - Speed 5 18K-25K NW TO SE - Speed 10 25k+ NW TO SE - Speed 15
Hardness is MA standard. If there was any change that would have been listed.