I your attempt to convince me with all this propaganda Kermit!
Comrade Wurzel has already allied himself with the Crazy Finns in March. They got to him and brainwashed him full of Communist thoughts. Also Comrade Tilt is a walking / talking Lavochkin expert. I cannot change my loyalties due to these allegiances.
Like Our hand was FORCED to declare war on Germany after the invasion of Poland. My hand is forced to fly with my Comrades.
PS: I don't have in my possession any good german beers. If you want to send me some I might reconsider
You europeans and your "secret alliances until activated" will be your DOWNFALL!
How dare you attempt to ask for a bribery from me! You say bribery can "change" a man's opinion, but what you fail to understand is that is also changes a man's heart for the worst.
If your beloved Churchill's own 1918 words can not sway you, perhaps you are just like those in the past who "changed" Churchill's opinion in 1939. Bruv, as a british I understand you have imperialism and oppression on weaker cultures bred into you, but you are not dealing with a weaker nation anymore. We are capable of fighting oppression and we are capable of destroying you. My intentions are not to threaten you, but only to ask the good inside of you to arise.
I ask that you rise above your corruption, rise above personal hatred towards any nation more powerful than you, RISE above your personal need to fly the best aircraft, and disregard your past secret alliances you've made with others and to simply follow your heart. I believe you can rise above your own issues, and stand to fight along side us Germans.
Bruv, time is of the essence.