I'm not asking anything in particular, I would just like to read what a few of the vets have to say about flying the Ki84 and their list of do's and don't's.
I know the Ki84 is great at alot of things but not really the best at anything but what would you say are it's strongest strong points?
With e being equal I know I shouldn't be turn fighting a zero...but I do. The way I see it, the Ki can hold it's own for a bit. Long enough in most cases for the zero pilot to make the first mistake. If I realize I'm up against a pilot that knows his zero as well as I know the Ki then I can usually break it off and extend.
If I'm up against a pony I fly mostly defensively. If it's a decent pony stick I know I'm not going to be able to dictate the fite. My favorite technique agianst a pony... dive down, accellerate to about 450 and proceed to throw my rudder and elevators at him. It hasn't worked yet but someday one well placed elevator to his canopy and he's mine. I'm kidding ofcourse but this accentuates the point that I'm not going to be running from say a pony or 190. My good fites with ponies are usually very long and won thru attrition.
The planes that cause me the most problems are the spit, 109, and the Brewster. If I match up with a spit or a Brewster I usually know pretty quickly if I'm up against a good stick or not. Most don't cause me problems but if I'm up against a good stick I'm in trouble and I start flying defensively and start looking for a way out. 109s, there's just so many good 109 sticks out there. I would say (correct me if you disagree) that the 109 and the Ki are very evenly matched with a slight edge to the 109 in most categories. Oh, i forgot to mention the Ki84. If I find myself against anothe Ki I know it's going to be a tuff fite as the only people that fly the Ki know the Ki. And I don't really consider myself a good stick, only slitghtly better than average.
Anyway, I would love to hear how you guys fly the Ki84 and how you use it's strenghts against the different aircraft you encounter.
Thanks in advance.