Well, for one, i really wish that ki-84 wouldn't ho

Second, The Ki can do things that make me fly them... regularly. I have gotten a feel for the plane and know that you can turn pretty well in them. But as for being a pilot against the ki...
1) Wish they didn't have so much E. With E, the plane can turn, loop, figure 8, climb and roll like no ones business, although not as much as other planes but has a very balanced arsenal which makes me wish I wasn't flying the P47 at that exact moment.
2) Wish they didn't immelman, roll, and reverse when they are 800 away.
3) Wish my plane could outrun them, yes, this isn't the quickest plane in the game, but it is not slow either. Sometimes I just go off to find another target because they have put it on WEP and are otw back to base. Although I will admit the slow moving f4f was not the best of choices.
The best part of the game is learning IMO, words of others is helpful (perhaps not my words, as shown in the past), but nothing beats practice, anyone will agree with that.