Камрады! Воины! Друзья! Соедините нас в последнем нажиме против фашистских оккупантов и мы будем иметь окончательную победу!
*Comrades! Soldiers! Friends! Join us in the last push against the fascist invaders and we will have the final victory!*
The time has now come for us to finish what the enemy started by their treacherous attack many years ago. The enemy is weak, we are strong. Now it is our time! Many comrades have fallen so that you could be here today. Join the fight so that their sacrifice for the party and motherland was not in vain!
The Council of Ministers of the USSR, and me as the Chairman of it, is calling all players of Aces High to join the ranks of the Soviet forces in the upcoming scenario Red Storm/Krupp Steel. By joining the Russian forces you will experience the thrill of aerial combat like never before, the excitement of seeing your rounds blow up the evil Tigers at ground war and last, but not least, you will lasting memories of an great scenario and team work.
The whole Council of Ministers of USSR will do our best to provide you all this.
Speaking of that I am proud to give you the members of the
Council of Ministers of the USSR:
- Have (Chairman)
- Klingan
- Alpo
- dhyran
These fine gentlemen will be commanding our glorious forces to the victory in the Red Storm/Krupp Steel scenario (see