I might as well post this answer to another terrain builder’s question.
The TE will build all the terrain files you need, using simple bitmaps you create, and you only need to create 4 bitmap files to create a terrain that’s ready for base placement.
Most terrain builders are familiar with the elevation import / export functions of the TE. If you’ve worked with an elevation bitmap before, you can build all the other required files using the elevation bitmap as a start. All you need to know is what each of the files does, and their format.
All these files are sorted indexed grayscale images, just like the elevation bitmap you’re used to working with. What tools you use, and how you create the bitmaps is up to you.
File names and meanings:
Bitmap size: 1024 x 1024
Determines the elevation of the terrain when imported, and provides a starting point for creating the rest of the files.
Location: Anywhere
Bitmap size: 4096 x 4096
Determines the terrain type, with black as water. The formula for determining which grayscale value maps to what terrain type is in the readme file that comes with the TE.
Location: Inside the terrain project’s folder (replace the default built file)
Bitmap size: 16,384 x 16,348 256 MB
Determines what is water, and how deep. Black is deep water, and white is land, a grayscale index of 254 (not quite white at 254,254,254 aka 0xfe,0xfe,0xfe), would be shallowest water possible. This file must be imported with the Import Water menu command.
Location: Inside the texsrc folder
Bitmap size: 16,384 x 16,348 256 MB
Determins the color of the water. Black is very light blue water, and white is the darkest water color. You can use white for land for instance, and vary the shades of gray as you move away from the land. . Must be imported with the Import Water menu command.
Location: Inside the texsrc folder
Bitmap size: 1024 x ? around 1.2 MB (200+ MB is a corrupted file)
Location: Inside the terrain project’s folder (replace the default built file)
The presence of this (uncorrupted) file is required to keep the TE from crashing when you build a terrain. However, the TE has a nasty habit of corrupting this file every time you do a build, which will crash the TE the next time you build your terrain. Simply replace the corrupted cmpwater.bmp with any uncorrupted cmpwater.bmp file and all will be good. Just be sure to make a copy of the cmpwater.bmp as soon as you see it. It will look like one of those paintings that you need to stare at for a long time to see the image. If it’s a 200+ MB file with a straight vertical line in the preview, it’s corrupted.
You will not need to worry about the .htz files, they will be kept up to date by the TE.