The N1K2-J should be perked in AvA. When in AvA the only plane that the Axis flies is the N1K2, the fact is that there were not that many of them produced between 1941 thru 1944. It went into production on Dec 27th 1941, and was in production until the end of the war in 1944. Even though it had a 5 year production run according to Jane's and Rand Mcnally only 1345 N1K1-J's were built and only 413 N1K2-J' were built. This is due to the fact that it was not a government supported development project, it was Developed in the private sector. It is tireing going up against them constantly knowing that there were not that many. When the F4U-1C had higher numbers in service and is a Perked plane. Either perk the N1K2 or unperk the F4U-1C.