Author Topic: spit mk IV trim and compression is off  (Read 214 times)


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spit mk IV trim and compression is off
« on: September 10, 2000, 11:44:00 AM »
Whith the advent of the redesign of ah i figured it would be a good idea to fly the spit.

The combat trim on it it terrible! Anyone who tries to use it will be out turned easily by most other planes.

The trim stays near the bottom even in a slow speed fight. It need to be nearer the middle or slightly above it.

I fought a p 47 at 38k. The spit compressed at 350 mph at 34k. Is this right ?

At low alt the spit can dive over 500 mph now.
Several times at 450 in trim it has pulled up and to the right. Similarly to the old 109 compression. Is this right?

Lastly what about those blackouts?
I know a spit can put G's on you but come on  its a little too tough now.

Same speed and G's other planes dont black out as much. Hehe its making me feel like im in aw3 again.