BnZs, I honestly can't see why you are asking for this.
At the moment, here's the basic situation with bombers:
- If you're attacking bombers, and you make a good approach (i.e. NOT from dead six, with an altitude + speed advantage, and maybe from 9 oclock), assuming the bomber pilot isn't outstanding at gunnery, chances are you'll escape largely unharmed.
- If you're attacking bombers, and make a lazy/careless/bad approach (so maybe from dead six, at a lower altitude and roughly the same speed as the buffs), you'll probably get killed very quickly, assuming the bomber pilot/gunner knows how to aim and shoot.
If you implement your suggestion, that basically means any non-lazy fighter pilot will have almost free kills of bombers. NOT an ideal situation.
And from the historical aspect, IRL each gun was manned by a separate person. Since we can't have that in Aces High, we get the next best thing where each gun can be fired at once by one person.
Also, out of curiosity I checked your stats (nice K/D ratio in fighters, btw!), and saw you've barely flown
any bomber missions - why don't you try flying bombers, so you can get a better idea of what it's like for them?