Took my son to the doctors this morning, found out he has it. I asked the doctor if its anything to be worried about and she said no, but if hes not better in about a week, ( or spikes a high fever, breathing probs etc...) to bring him back in. I then asked her if its really as bad as the "media" is making it out to be. She stated no, more folks get and die from the regular flu, than this one. Actually she was more concerned that my boy had strep throat than H1N1. She stated its all just media hype, slow news day etc.. ( although she did not make light of anyone getting any type of flu, H1N1 or the regular type)
The doctor went on to say that as many as 30% of the kids in the local schools has had it ( elementary thru HS) , with not one requiring anything more that bed rest, Motrin for the fever, and lots of fluids. As far as adults getting it, it seems to be hitting the kids and the senior citizens harder than the average adult, and then unless there is previous underlying conditions, its still just the flu.
Havent seen anything come home from school forcing the kids to get vaccinated. ( actually no news from school regarding it in any way) but i know that a couple of kids in his class have had it, and my daughter ( twin sister ) says the same thing, a couple of kids in her class, 3 or 4 , have had it or has it.
Definatly not the scourge of man that the "media" ( i use that term very loosely) is making it out to be.