so i finished my terrain ive been workin on for close to a year now and built it,put it in the ahiiterr folder and try it offline.
it automatically puts me as a bish at a port,clearly shows the plane icon at that port and all bish bases are green as
supposed to be,but in the tower the chalkboard clearly shows A1 which is a rook airfield,so try to go in the hanger
and it say "you are not able to up from this base" or something of that sort.
so i change to a different base and can up fine,so i move back to the port in question and now the chalkboard reads right
and i can up,its just when you first enter and are auto put at this field that this happens.
was wondering if anyone else is having this or a similar problem or if anyone can help figure out the problem?
is there a certain file in the TE that puts you at this field?,or something.
i made sure that the port is in the right zone and all so i kinda stumped.
any help would be grateful