It's not just me....basically a good chunk of N-Europe with a good chunk of the N-Atlantic included. An area totalling vastly more than the USA.
Recently there was a conference of the odds and ends of GW, i.e. what we can do to counter the bad sides as well as what we can do to benefit from the better sides.
This is not a position where we are waiting for our part of the world to warm, - it's already there.
So, Farmwise, like in my case, we have an actual opening of growing new crops, which were to heat demanding for our climate before. Alike, we get new bugs and pests and Fungi that have never or very rarely been here before.
Potatoe fungus: 1955, 1994, 1996 and now a resident.
Tics: Starting. Unknown before.
Bumble bees: Saw my first one in July 1985. Now you can spot them all the way to the 10th of April.
Better parts: Growing barley with very high efficiency and increasing crops, instead of a 20% chance of catastrophy.
Growing wheat, and now even mature rapeseed. Growing Danish stock of various brands, such as clovers, as well as English stocks of various lawn grasses, - could have forgotten all about this some 30 years ago.
And ocean you're talking. Now there is a debate between the more northerly countries, since the more resident stock of fish is shifting northwards. The cod is moving north, and so is the Herring, but we are getting big batches of Macril instead from the more warm parts of the Atlantic.
The list is endless, and so, the businesses move on to practical application instead of trying to haggle about it on paper.
For me, trying to tell me that there is nothing happening in that block of the world, is like a colour blind Jehova's witness trying to convince me that God does not have red and green on the list. I don't need Al Gore, or all those grabby bureucrats trying to imply some taxation for GW, nor opportunitists of the political sort, nor do I put a blind eye on the oil companies rubbing their palms as new oil fields open up where the ice is retreating.
For me, it's a fact that the northern part of the northern hemisphere is showing reasonable warming. I just have to live with it, and leave it to more computing power to calculate how it works on a global scale.
Odd though, GW was supposed to be detected first nearer to the poles once starting, and since weather systems can get messed up quite a bit, some areas will have some cooling. And this, ladies and gentlemen, I learned in my bio studies in the 1980´s.