Author Topic: NOE Hall of Shame  (Read 9482 times)

Offline thndregg

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #105 on: December 12, 2009, 08:59:06 AM »
I'm not against NOE's either. I post them, I (try) to defend against them- mostly goon hunting. I post jabo runs, I post 30,000ft B17 sorties. I like 'em all. It simply does not resolve anything to gripe about it. It hasn't solved anything toward resolving it for the past x-amount of years. You will notice, after x-amount of years, HiTech has not changed the NOE setup either. I wonder why? :uhoh
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #106 on: December 12, 2009, 09:10:02 AM »
Thats funny but I actually did wipe out an 80% Stuka mission one night at about 3K.  The handfull of 190's escorting it were like  :O
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #107 on: December 12, 2009, 09:16:21 AM »

All sides are basically the same but there are some subtle diff's.....  
........(which, btw is why tour in, tour out, the Bish die the most, the Rooks the least, and the Knits are in the middle.  Has been that way for years and years)

I agree with you up to a point, yet you do not explain those differences in your opinion.  
This difference can be explained easily.

Each has a cause and effect that must be accounted for.

1.   Bish die the most.  Why?
They run missions: They run coordinated attacks, may include Bomber missions, even just for fun for all sides, Specific plane set missions, Hi alt, Low alt, and in between, usually will fight till they die no matter how many kills they have, not afraid to up a capped field, not afraid to up a camped spawn, fearless.  Most will fight for the fun not the kill.  Not a timid flier. Risk is not a factor.  Will fly all plane sets including bombers.  Score is not a factor.  

2.   The Rooks the least. Why?
They do not run many missions, but loose coordinated attacks, for a sole purpose of getting kills, will attempt to get as many kills as fast as one can, this means to vulch a field not to cap it for capture but kills, furball from astronaut alts, usually found in a plane that is fast, anything that can carry them away from a fight, found at hi alts, will run to help or away once co-alt with them. Timid.  Will not engage unless has the advantage in alt, E, Numbers.  Risk is a factor.  Rarely flies bombers if at all, if they do its for padding score, not for fun.  Score is a factor.

3.   The Knits are in the middle?  Why?
I will agree with you for the most part here, they have a cross of Rooks and Bish, but for the most part this may have something to do with those players that will swap sides.  These players usually do not swap to Bish when they have low numbers, they will swap between Rooks or Knits only.  Some of the knits found a home there, because they may not have been accepted anywhere else and have since became the dominate thinking of what they may have learned from the bish doing missions.  So your player base has those similar aspects of rooks and bish.  Knits, not as timid, but do have timid players.  Again this may be due to swapped Rooks or the importance of Score to them.   They will also run missions, in all plane sets, less organized but effective.  Hi alt, low alt, in between.  Score is somewhat a factor.    

These “subtle differences” is what makes us different in huge ways, they are not as subtle as you may think.  Who dies the most, who doesn't, has a bigger meaning than you can compare, its not black and white, there are too many other dynamic differences that are involved for that simple result.


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Offline Shuffler

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #108 on: December 12, 2009, 09:25:57 AM »
The nits are in the middle because any natural cohesion they might have to either make missions or fight is destroyed when any of the generals are on. The wheels fall off when a general makes demands based on his ideas viewed through his small window in the game. There are fights all over the map... not just in his one spot.
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #109 on: December 12, 2009, 09:43:17 AM »
Those differences have been there since AW.  AZ (Bish) were always the mission men, BZ (Rooks) were always the furballers and CZ (Knits) were always in between.  Of course there's always some of different persuation on each team but it's amazing to me how long those tendancies have been in place.

I think I've been misplaced all these years.  I probably should have been a BZ/Rook but there's no sense in changing now.  In fact, my early 60+ person, multi-wing mega-squad in AW might have helped set the tone.  Maybe I shouldn't have done that.  I haven't been in a squad of more that a few people since and now prefer flying alone without obligations to other players.
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #110 on: December 12, 2009, 09:52:55 AM »
Those differences have been there since AW.  AZ (Bish) were always the mission men, BZ (Rooks) were always the furballers and CZ (Knits) were always in between.  Of course there's always some of different persuation on each team but it's amazing to me how long those tendancies have been in place.

I think I've been misplaced all these years.  I probably should have been a BZ/Rook but there's no sense in changing now.  In fact, my early 60+ person, multi-wing mega-squad in AW might have helped set the tone.  Maybe I shouldn't have done that.  I haven't been in a squad of more that a few people since and now prefer flying alone without obligations to other players.

I fly alone more often than not but to fly for a fight that is worth it is what most of us seek.  Lately your choices are down to climbing to 20K to chase down one if not all of these five planes 109,190,51,spit, 47 then watch them dive for the deck otw home or to help when co-alt, OR climb to 29K to chase down bombers that are heading to your strat....... :(  Take your pick.

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Offline caldera

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #111 on: December 12, 2009, 09:53:33 AM »
Like someone once said:

Nits - Team Herd O' Cats

Crooks - Team Turkey Buzzard

Bishies - Team Lemming Kung Fu

And come on DadsGuns. Bishies are not "fearless".
Except when they are suicide porking or vulching with twenty 4-cannon birds while you try in vain to oppose one of their NOE raids.

Every side has vulchers, Ho-ers, gangers, score muffins and fraidy cats.  It's just the rooks and bish have more of them.  :neener:
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #112 on: December 12, 2009, 09:54:58 AM »
Like someone once said:

Nits - Team Herd O' Cats

Crooks - Team Turkey Buzzard

Bishies - Team Lemming Kung Fu

And come on DadsGuns. Bishies are not "fearless".
Except when they are suicide porking or vulching with twenty 4-cannon birds while you try in vain to oppose one of their NOE raids.

Every side has vulchers, Ho-ers, gangers, score muffins and fraidy cats.  It's just the rooks and bish have more of them.  :neener:

Did I say Fearless..........    :bolt:


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Offline waystin2

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #113 on: December 12, 2009, 10:23:50 AM »
You are trying too hard to keep the PoTW front and center stage with all the threads.  Not sure why other then to try and change the perception of what the PoTW have been in terms of fighting style history.

Just go out and fight and shoot em all down.  I doubt NOE raids will stop.  If folks get their kicks out of fighting cartoon buildings and not fighting, they're probably not gonna get shamed into changing.

I am not trying to keep attention on or change perception of my squad Guppy.  This is about what I earlier stated, and was the result of a very long unsatisfying night of Aces High.  Unfortunately, I agree with you that it will not change.

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Offline WMLute

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #114 on: December 12, 2009, 10:29:45 AM »
Those differences have been there since AW.  AZ (Bish) were always the mission men, BZ (Rooks) were always the furballers and CZ (Knits) were always in between.  Of course there's always some of different persuation on each team but it's amazing to me how long those tendancies have been in place.

That is exactly how I see it as well.


And I find it interesting that the "subtle" diff. between countries can go back so many years.

I will disagree w/ Dads about one point.  The Bish die the most because of this pack/mission mentality but not for the reasons he gave.  When you hunt in large packs you don't really have cause to improve upon your abilities.  Hard to learn new tricks when it is 2-3 (or more) on 1 in most of your fights.

I bet 50 6yr olds could beat up Mike Tyson in a brawl.  Does that mean the 6yr olds are "skilled" fighters because they won?

Always fighting with a large # imbalance in your favor doesn't promote learning how to fight as an individual.  They might 'win' that fight, but there is gonna be a whole lota dead 6 yr olds in a pile around Mike before he gets overwhelmed.  There might be 50 of 'em, but they are still 6yr olds and if you get 'em 1 on 1 (or even 2-3 on 1) they tend to die pretty easily w/o that large # advantage.  

I will grant that the above tactics are effective and do work.  Not really anything I tend to be a party to but they do work.  (not saying I've never done it, it just isn't my preferred modus operandi)

I had a convo a few weeks back with a squaddie about growing the WM's to a much larger squad.  My squaddie replied "but then we would be like the Bish" to which I said "good point" and dropped it.  

I have always felt that "style points" do matter which is why you will usually find me and the WM's looking for bases with large nme dar bars and small friendly dar bars to go fly/fight at.  Now granted, with a bunch o' WM's defending the base the dar bars tend to flip flop after a short while, but when we first got there we are usually heavily out #'d.  (heh)

I also agree about your point with the Knits.  I know when I find the Knits have a large # advantage and I want to take my squad to another country we tend to pick Rooks over Bish.  I think it has more to do with flying style than anything.

Don't get me wrong though, I know and respect many pilots that fly for the Bish and count them as "virtual" friends.  Good people on all sides.  Not all Bish fly the way I describe, or Rooks or Knits for that matter.  Most all countries have diff. pilots that fly with diff. styles.  I am painting with a large brush and please understand that I don't think what I am saying holds true for all players of the various countries.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 10:32:35 AM by WMLute »
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Offline Yenny

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #115 on: December 12, 2009, 11:05:44 AM »
A couple of years ago, rooks were perpetually in the bucket, far worse thant what nits have now. This was the birth of RJO.  We few, we merry few, stuck it out and were part of the reason things turned around.  As a mindless killer, I kind of like the current circumstances.

As for NOE's... I don't mind them.  They may take one base but they'll face resistance at the next.  Besides, every once in a while I happen upon an NOE as it is enroute. I have wiped out or completely disrupted big NOE's all by myself.  I am sure others have too.  It's a blast!

(Image removed from quote.)

that pic is my dream but instead of P51, id be a D9 xD
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Offline Yeager

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #116 on: December 12, 2009, 11:41:45 AM »
I probably should have been a BZ/Rook but there's no sense in changing now. 
One of the benifits of not being ball and chained to a one country squad is being able to travel throughout the game, meeting foes and making friends with everyone in the game in both a defensive and offensive capacity.   But hey, thats just me.
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Offline BillyD

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #117 on: December 12, 2009, 11:58:11 AM »
I'll cast a late vote for Delirium, the evil mastermind of the 80th FS. He is a master of teh NOE. With his bold tactics of troops on teh field and torps on teh town he is doing his part to win teh war.

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Offline caldera

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #118 on: December 12, 2009, 12:30:30 PM »
From last night.  This is the kind of thing that people are complaining about:

To set the stage; Bish and Rook had much better #s (both players and fields) but were mostly nibbling at each other.  This was from A94 in LWO, basically in the middle of nowhere and was pristine and untouched.  I think the horde wants easy kills or score padding even more than winning "teh war".
After dodging the first vulcher and seeing a zero % chance of getting a fight,  I opted to fly straight and maybe get a proxie.  There were only 27 of them.
Maybe I should have "gathered an opposing force" from the nits trying to keep the HQ from getting flattened too (they were unsucessful).  Time to log.
Maybe I should go to the TA and learn to fight better.  Or I could jump to the high # side.  Won't that be fun!
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Offline 68ZooM

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Re: NOE Hall of Shame
« Reply #119 on: December 12, 2009, 12:46:31 PM »
Nothing to do with NOE's, its one person hissy fit because everyone wont play his way, were wrecking "HIS" fun as he stated.
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