I think at the Joe Nall meet, which produces nearly two to three hundred pilots (Which is the biggest) had only three pilots on 72MgHs. So right now it's too the point were they know that 72 is becoming obsolete.
The worst and closest I've seen when it comes to interference was at our warbird meet we had a guy on 72 with a beautiful 110'' Tucano, a brazilian trainer with a turbo prop. He was flying it when he hit interference, and almost hit the ground. Luckily, the man was able to get it down in one peice. The guy then decided that he should get a 2.4
Me personally, I have 2 7 channel 2.4's, both from Specktrum, which is the best company when it comes to 2.4s. I can tell you alot about the Spektrum, and if anyone needs any help, either PM me or respond to the thread.