Haven't flown in 17 years since I failed my eye exam and found out the Air Force didn't need me. Spent most of my just over 100 hours in 172's (actually old T-41's that had been retired from AF service and were I guess given to the Aero Club at Myrtle Beach AFB where I did almost all my time flying)with a little time in a 152.
A few weeks ago I actually found a pic I took of the plane I spent most of my time in, a pic I took the day I solo'd it for the first time IIRC.
Someday before I die I'll get current again and have my own aircraft, that's pretty much my life's dream at this point.
Behind the 172, the only thing I have plenty of hours in are Spitfires.
Shot down quite a few Volkswagens and 1 BMW with that one!