That is the arena I was in when I received it, I just don't understand what it means if anything.
it means someone in that arena sent you a private message.......
if one is to continue with another in private, when you reply you will see your gameid on the left and then the message you replied with, when the other person replies, it will show up with the Arena:gameid: <then message> unless you are "tuned" in a radio channel to a specific gameid, then you will not see the Arena at the beginning.... ( unless as Soulyss posted, you are in different arenas )
also, once you have established a PM message with someone, you do not have to continue using .p<space>gameid<space>message here simply type .r<space>message here....
edit: also if you are in different arenas, you will not be able to tune to one another on any radio channel....... you must use the .p command to "page" or send the "private message"......
hope this helps......