This is one of those set-ups that might bring in some people who've never tried it before and expose them to the different settings etc, as it has a couple of the most popular late war planes.
When I first starting promoting the AvA on Mondays, a set-up was put in that I didn't think was very even and not the one I wanted to try and hook my squad and other first time AvA players with.
Rather than air my concerns publicly on the forum, I chose to PM the staff.
Well, of course they didn't change the set-up just for me and as it turned out it was a lot of fun and though some agreed with me, a lot of people did not share my opinion.
I'm glad I addressed it that way, because I might have influenced some people with my opinion and brought negativity into the equation for nothing.
It worked out OK and the next week a set-up more to my liking was put in.
The rotation of the set-ups varies, usually changes weekly, but when a "mini war" scenario is going, it stays up longer.
Even then, they will sometimes take a break and put in a "meanwhile on the other side of the world" set-up for a week.
The last two weeks was an exception in that they kept the eastern front scenario up for an extra week because it had some of the same match-ups from FSO and it was good practice for that event.
The second week they enabled additional FSO planes.
Normally, it would change every week.