Author Topic: VERY Strange Spawn Up Last Night  (Read 382 times)

Offline ROX

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VERY Strange Spawn Up Last Night
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:07:24 PM »
This is mainly a question about a possible bug but....

Last night for FSO, I followed my regular regimen.  Print off orders, print off maps, make tall glass of soda, go to the bathroom, and then come back and enter Special Events One.  By habit, I pull up the ride O'the night, settle on the load-out and write down a skin or two to recommend.  Once I have double checked convergience, I exit the hangar and pull up the O'club while we all wait, just in case a squaddie new to FSO and need the invite to "get in uniform".

At T-7 minutes, I do the full squad briefing of orders, recommendations, and planned in and out routes...then communicate with the other squads on green in our attack group to confirm route, alts, and plans before takeoff on purple VOX.

"FIELDS OPEN"...I click on the SW runway button and the game spawns me into the runway in a P-39 instead of the A-20 I had chosen in the hangar.  Now, The P-39 is a heck of a long way down the list from the A20...and everything around the A20 on the list was red-out.

Is there a known bug in FSO where this happens? Or are FSO leaders able to change a player's ride at the last minute because there is a lack of playters upping a certain plane on a certain side in an attempt to even things out and keep side levels of one kind of plane even?

Did I choose the wrong plane?  Heck no!  I was looking forward to flying the A20 because our squad needs practice and experience in dive bombing.  Even had the 610 BG/644 BS - Greebo skin picked out.  With keeping an eye on text 150, our own text, and re-confirming details on local vox with the other friendlies, it was a couple of minutes until I noticed.

Is it a bug or is it a FSO planner's option to change the ride?

Still scratching my head....


Offline daddog

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Re: VERY Strange Spawn Up Last Night
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 06:24:49 PM »
Is there a known bug in FSO where this happens? Or are FSO leaders able to change a player's ride at the last minute because there is a lack of playters upping a certain plane on a certain side in an attempt to even things out and keep side levels of one kind of plane even?
No bug that I know of. CM's can't control what players fly. Don't know. I know over the years a couple times 'thought' I selected the correct plane only to spawn in the wrong one.  :headscratch: Very rare, but it happens. My gut feeling it is my end,  :joystick: not a bug.
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Offline RSLQK186

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Re: VERY Strange Spawn Up Last Night
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 07:48:48 AM »
Not sure if this would have any effect but: Is it possible you set up your ride before the CM was done with enabling the proper planes at each field. Like I said, not sure if this would make any difference or not. I went offline and played with the arena setup. Tried it several ways and once I was move out of my selected ride to the next one up on the list. Not sure what I did or if it was a random glitch. 3 more tries and I could not duplicate this.
And my experiment is flawed in that I cannot play the role of a player selecting a ride and a CM adjusting the arena simultaneously.
Either way, a last minute check in the hanger should fix this.
Would be nice to know one way or the other if there is a glitch.
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