hmmm I always thought it was the best climb speed / rate for each individual aircraft type....... whether it is a fighter or a bomber .......
hitting ALt X will show you what the default climbspeed is for each individual aircraft you fly, AKHog
can anyone concur?
It does vary a bit, but each aircraft type seems to "share" a preset auto-speed. All the F4U's are preset to 154. The Jugs are set to 159(?) P51's at 175 (as well as the P38's). Auto-speed pays attention to
indicated speeds, not actual.
I always understood the preset speed to be set at the (approximate) speed that gives the plane the best climb
rate. The
actual rate of climb will change with altitude and load-out though. The actual
angle of climb/descent will also change over time as this setting is used. As you climb higher, you'll climb at a slightly/slowly reducing angle to allow the plane to maintain the .speed set by you or by default. If you climb high enough with the default auto-speed you "should" actually end up in level flight.
There was a thread about gliding distance (long ago), and it was shown that the best glide speed (for max distance) was the preset/default auto-speed as well.
There are a few strategic "tricks" that go along with this setting. As Chalenge mentioned, some set it for best corner speed (I'm not sure how effective that one is). It works nice for bombers if you set it at a higher speed than you can climb, but slow enough to not rip your wings off. That way you can "auto-dive" at say 300mph, while you're in the tail guns. This has a nice effect of causing many fighters to loiter behind your tail for a nice shot. Just make sure you keep an eye on the ground....
I'll use .speed 300/350 occasionally in my F4U, but don't find a ton of use for adjusting this from default (in my own flying).
As for the "reset" question-
if you adjust your auto-speed speed, it will reset back to default when you end sortie. This setting isn't "remembered" by the game the way .sortie and .salvo settings are...