Gunna take a shot in the dark here, but to the op.. I presume you are getting red rings? I have the elite version myself, and while mine didnt red ring on me it did one day just quit reading discs.
I tried using those lense cleaning discs to no avail. What it does is, when I put a disc in the little disc icon thing at the dashboard will spin around for a bit like its trying to read it then shortly after that it will peter out and just say no disc found insert one whatever.
Its worth noting ive tried several games and movies and get the same thing. All the discs appear to be fine no scratches or anything. This (luckily I suppose) happened when my interest in playing it faded away. So I never bothered getting it fixed, im sure it was out of warranty anyway at that time (im sure it is now)
That reminds me of the sega dreamcast. I remember getting mine when they first came out, those things were insanely picky. Seems like if there was so much as a breath mark on the thing it wouldnt read it. Im not sure if it was just mine or an issue with the early ones, but didnt really matter as very shortly after they came out they stopped making the dang things.