Did anyone else make a similar move from twisty stick to rudder pedals only to find that it set them back considerably in ability?
Before I took a hiatus from the game for several months, my trusty Microsoft Sidewinder broke, so I bought CH Rudder Pedals and a Saitek X52 Stick + Throttle. Ever since, I cannot do half the things I used to. My muscle memory for maneuvers is gone, so I spend the majority of fights trying to "think" my way through them instead of just reacting. I also often find myself "forgetting" to hit rudder during certain moves, or forgetting to remove rudder thus blowing E with a lazy foot. I am constantly snap rolling during stall fights because I don't have the same "feel for the plane" that I used to.
I am sure with time I will become accustomed to this setup and back to my former self, but it seems to be taking much longer than I expected. Anyone else have a similar experience, and if so, have any pointers to get me out of the purgatory faster?
<S> and good to be back!