Last night a dedicated spixteen pilot got his arse handed to him by a spit9 in 2 turns The 16 doesn't need a perk value but that! What a beast that thing is
I killed an F4u-1D from a Spit IX last night. He was hassling one of my countrymen. It was pretty easy to latch under and behind. Those hawgs can't see back there. Then I just maneuvered until I was within 200yds and he went all crumply-like. I was short on ammo and fuel by the time that occurred so I put the nose down and got out of the fur. Busted a buff with one too, though that is my least-loved task for the type - and for obvious reasons.
Damn dangerous bird, that Spit IX... and with an ENY of 20, it perks you pretty well, I think... though I admit to approximately zero knowledge of the interaction b/w perkies and the ENY of the ac from which you score.
Can we just reduce this whole thing to absurdity any more? Perhaps we should perk the P40E. It's so scary.