Author Topic: Offline Problems  (Read 973 times)

Offline HellFire

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Offline Problems
« on: March 17, 2010, 05:18:41 PM »
Prior to AH2180 I was able to play the latest versions of Offline Missions, since inception of AH2180 thru AH2184, I'm unable to play any missions as I get stuck either on the runway with everything frozen or after a minute of flight, the screen just freezes, hence the end of offline mission flight.

Upon reverting back to AH2173 I'm able to play the Offline Missions.
Seemingly the addition of WW1 is causing havoc with offline missions,
however, not being an HTC programmer, I can only surmise.

Of course the simple answer is to stay with AH2173 to play offline & WW2 games, and to update to AH2184 for WW1 & WW2 play, however, I'm rather dubious that that was the programmers' intent, perhaps a 'goto' statement when given a choice of WW2 or WW1 may
tend to solve this problem.

Thanking you for ur courtesies & time.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 05:20:27 PM by HellFire »
"In life there is certain death, and between life and death
  there is a journey, hence in truth nothing is lost in death."

Offline oHOGo

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Re: Offline Problems
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 10:37:58 PM »
Prior to AH2180 I was able to play the latest versions of Offline Missions, since inception of AH2180 thru AH2184, I'm unable to play any missions as I get stuck either on the runway with everything frozen or after a minute of flight, the screen just freezes, hence the end of offline mission flight.

Upon reverting back to AH2173 I'm able to play the Offline Missions.
Seemingly the addition of WW1 is causing havoc with offline missions,
however, not being an HTC programmer, I can only surmise.

Of course the simple answer is to stay with AH2173 to play offline & WW2 games, and to update to AH2184 for WW1 & WW2 play, however, I'm rather dubious that that was the programmers' intent, perhaps a 'goto' statement when given a choice of WW2 or WW1 may
tend to solve this problem.

Thanking you for ur courtesies & time.


 :aok :aok :aok :aok same here game locks up right after flight lead warps