There are a ton of them along the Columbia Gorge on both the Oregon and Washington sides. I find them oddly beautiful both in themselves and for what they prevent being there. I would rather have these giant turbines around, silently turning than something belching smoke.
Silent... Not hardly.
Ever stood under one, they are anything but silent, in fact they are very,
very loud. Many cattlemen in eastern Montana allowed wind farms on their grazing land, hoping to get dual use out of the land. Turn out the cattle will not go near the things because the noise bothers them.
I'm all for alternative energy research and development, but just like anything wind power has a downside as well.
1- As others have mentioned they must operate for many years before they recoup the energy put into production and installation of them.
2- They don't run all the time and require just the right amount of wind, too little wind and they won't turn, too much wind and they won't turn (the blades feather in winds that are to high to prevent damage)
3- They kill bats and birds and mess up their migratory routes.
Having said that, I am not opposed to wind farms, if they prove to have a long lifespan they can be a valuable energy source. But even if we build wind farms everywhere we can it will not come close to replacing other energy sources.
I still say the best, cleanest energy technology we have is nuclear. It produces huge amounts of power from a small space, and emits zero pollution. (A 20 acre nuclear plant would produce more energy then 1,000s of acres of windmills) Plus we already have the Yucca Mtn. facility in NV, and companies like Energy Solutions in UT who are more then happy to make a huge profit disposing of the spend fuel rods. So many people are paranoid about nuclear radiation without any valid reason. Heck, the US Navy operates dozens of nuclear powered vessels with no problems, if nuclear is so bad how come all those sailors aren't impotent or having 2-headed babies, or have cancer? How come submarines and aircraft carriers aren't having meltdowns every week? And the casks they transport the depleted fuel rods in are the closest thing to indestructible man has ever built.