Author Topic: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)  (Read 1738 times)

Offline ZetaNine

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Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« on: March 28, 2010, 03:14:46 PM »
was searching for this online...and about to add this to an existing thread..but it said start a new here goes...

in the event anyone is interested:

Brevity Code - Terms and Definitions

    ABORT: Directive commentary to terminate. Applicable to a specific attack maneuver or entire mission.

    ACTIVE: An onboard radar self-guidance mode of an advanced AAR like the AIM 120

    ALPHA CHECK: A request for bearing and distance to a given point. Generally used to confirm navigational accuracy

    ANCHOR: 1.) Begin an orbit at a specific point or location. 2.) A refueling track flown by a tanker aircraft.

    ANGELS: Altitude expressed in thousands of feet. Angels 20 means 20,000 ft.

    AS FRAGGED: Perform the event as briefed or planned.

    BANDIT: Known enemy aircraft. Only used when the contact is confirmed hostile.

    BEAM/BEAMER: Descriptive terminology for an aircraft that maneuvered to stabilize between 70 degrees 110 degrees aspect. Can be used to describe your own action. Example: stab 11 beaming North.

    BELLY CHECK: Directive commentary to instruct recipient to roll over and check for bandits underneath him.

    BENT: Inoperative or "bent" system. "Stab one one gadget bent"

    BINGO / BINGO FUEL: A predetermined fuel quantity that is required to safely return to base.

    BLIND: Lost visual contact with appropriate friendly aircraft. Generally means that the wingman lost sight of a flight lead. The opposite of this is VISUAL.

    BOGEY: An unknown radar/visual contact.

    BOGEY DOPE: A request for information about a specific target or threat. Generally directed toward GCI/AWACS or other flight members.

    BOX: Groups/contacts/formations in a square, as viewed on a radar display or from above.

    BRACKET: Indicates geometry where aircraft will maneuver to a position on opposing sides of a given point / target, either laterally / vertically/ or a combination of both. Basically, it is a relatively short-range pincer maneuver.

    BREAK: (Up/Down/Right/Left) –Directive to perform an immediate maximum performance turn. Assumes a defensive situation that requires immediate action.

    BREVITY: Denotes radio frequency is becoming saturated/degraded/jammed and more concise/less R/T transmissions should be used.

    BUDDY SPIKE: Illumination by friendly AI RWR.

    BUG OUT: Separate from the engagement and head for a safe area or home.

    BULLSEYE: A pre-briefed reference point. It is used to describe your position or that of the target.

    CLEAN: 1.) No radar contacts, i.e. your radar scope is clean. 2.) An aircraft configuration without any external stores or tanks.

    CLEARED: Requested action is approved.

    CLEARED HOT: Ordnance release is approved.

    CLOSING: Bandit/bogey/target is decreasing its range.

    COLD: 1.) Attack geometry that will result in a position behind the target. (lag pursuit) 2.) Pointed away from the anticipated threats.

    COMMITTED/COMMIT: Intent to engage/intercept.

    CONTACT: Radar/IR contact; should include bearing, range, altitude (BRA), Bull’s-eye, or geographic position information.

    CONTINUE: Continue present maneuver; does not imply clearance to engage or to shoot.

    COVER: Directive R/T to assume supporting role and responsibilities.

    DEFENSIVE: (Spike/Missile/SAM/Mud/AAA) – Subject is in a defensive position and maneuvering with reference to the threat. If not explicitly stated, threat is assumed to an air/air threat.

    DRAG/DRAGGING: (Direction) – Bogey/Bandit maneuvering to 60 degrees or less aspect. Can also describe your own actions.

    ENGAGED: Maneuvering with respect to a threat or target in order to kill or negate an attack.

    EXTEND: (Direction) – Directive to temporally depart the immediate "fight" location gain energy, distance, time, situational awareness, or a combination of all. The intent is to reengage as soon as desired parameter is achieved.

    FADED: Radar contact is lost or has "faded" from your radar display.

    FLEET WET/DRY: Transitioning from flying over water/land.

    FENCE CHECK/FENCE IN/FENCE OUT: Set cockpit switches as appropriate to your location. Generally means to arm up weapons as you enter enemy territory and safe them as you proceed back to friendly airspace.

    FLANK/FLANKING: Target with a stable aspect of 120 degrees to 150 degrees.

    FLOAT: Expand the formation laterally within visual limits. Used to initiate a "bracket" or to force a commit from a trailing bandit.

    FOX ONE: Simulated/actual launch of semi-active radar guided missile. An AIM 7 Sparrow.

    FOX TWO: Simulated/actual launch of an IR guided missile. An AIM 9.

    FOX THREE: Simulated/actual launch of a fully active missile. AN AMRAAM/Phoenix.

    GADGET: Radar or sensor equipment.

    GIMBALL: (Direction) – Radar target of interest is approaching azimuth or elevation limits of your radar and you are about to loose contact.

    GORILLA: A large number of unknown contacts that appear to maneuver to a common objective.

    GROUP: Radar Contacts that appear to operate together within approximately 3 Nm of each other.

    HARD LEFT/RIGHT: Directive call to initiate a High-G, energy sustaining turn. Generally used when entering a fight offensively. A ‘break’ turn is used for a defensive situation.

    HIGH: Target altitude at or above 30,000 feet MSL.

    HIT: A Radar return on the Radar scope (A/A).

    HOLDING HANDS: Aircraft together in a coordinated visual formation.

    HOME PLATE: Home airfield.

    HOT: 1.) For an AI intercept ‘hot’ describes geometry will result in roll out in front of target 2.) Pointing toward the anticipated threats in a CAP (A/A). 3.) Weapons employment authorized.

    IN PLACE: (Left/Right) – Simultaneously maneuvering the whole flight in the specified direction.

    JOKER: Has had several definitions 1.) Fuel state is such that the mission can continue to the target via scheduled route and RTB, but with little or no reserve. 2.) Fuel state is such that the entire mission can be flown and all the ordnance carried all the way back to home plate. Generally used when the target is obscured by WX and Higher Headquarter directives preclude jettisoning bombs prior to RTB.

    KILL: Commit and kill specified target.

    LADDER: Three or more groups in trail formations. It appears as a "ladder" on the radar display

    LINE ABREAST: A side-by-side formation.

    LOCKED: (BRA/Direction) – Radar Lock on. DOES NOT ASSUME SORT OR TARGETNING responsibilities are met unless specifically stated.

    LOW: Target altitude below 10,000 feet MSL

    MEDIUM: Target altitude between 10,000 and 30,00 feet MSL.

    MERGE/ MERGED: 1.) Bandits and friendlies are in the visual arena. 2.) Radar returns have come together.

    MUSIC: Electronic radar jamming.

    NO JOY: Lost or no visual contact with the target/bandit; opposite of TALLY.

    NOTCH: (Direction) – Radar missile defensive maneuver to place threat radar/missile near the beam.

    PADLOCKED: Aircrew cannot take eyes off target without risk of losing tally/visual.

    PAINT: Friendly AAI/APX interrogation return.

    PICTURE: Situation briefing given by AWACS or GCI that provides a general tactical overview.

    POSIT: Request for a position report.

    PRESS: Continue the attack; mutual support will be maintained.

    SEPARATE: Leaving a specific engagement.

    SHACKLE: A weave or a single crossing of flight paths in order to regain formation geometry.

    SHOOTER: Aircraft that will employ ordnance or "shoot"

    SLOW: speed of less than 300 knots.

    SNAP: (object, destination, location.) – An immediate vector to the requested target or geographic point.

    SORTED: Pre-briefed criteria has been met insuring each flight member have separate targets.

    SPIKE: RWR indication of AI threat.

    SPITTER: (Direction) – An Aircraft that has departed from the engagement.

    STACK: Two or more groups with a high/low altitude separation.

    STATUS: Request for an individual’s tactical situation; generally described as "offensive," "defensive," or "neutral."

    STINGER: Formation with single Bogey/Bandit in trail.

    SWITCH/SWITCHED: Indicates an attacker is changing from one aircraft to another.

    TALLY: Bandit in sight; opposite of "NO JOY."

    TARGET: Specific sort responsibility

    TRAIL: Formation of two or more aircraft following one another.

    TRAILER: The last aircraft in a formation.

    TRASHED: Missile in flight has been defeated.

    TUMBLEWEED: Indicates limited situation awareness, no tally, no visual, a request for information.

    VEE/VIC: Vic formation, single aircraft in the lead and an element in trail.

    VISUAL: Friendly aircraft in sight; opposite of "BLIND."

    WALL: Three or more groups in line abreast/side-by-side formation.

    WEDGE: Tactical formation of two or more aircraft with the single in front and two line abreast behind: Same as a "Vee" formation.

    WEEDS: Very low altitude.

    WINCHESTER: No ordnance remaining.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 03:20:29 PM »
Thats alot :O good stuff :aok
DFC Member
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Offline ZetaNine

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 03:23:09 PM »
oddly enough, I don't see my most used Brevity Code..

"Oh Crap...Where in the Hell did He come from"?

Offline Krusty

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 03:24:49 PM »
Yeah, thanks. However a lot of that is for modern fighter combat... Missiles, radar, AEWACS, etc...

Not totally applicable to AH, unless you were asking for a modern warfare game?  :P

P.S. Well, it's the "brevity" code... for shortness' sake folks just say "oh crap!" and the rest is implied.

Offline gyrene81

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 03:46:10 PM »
It's too bad 200 isn't limited to some sort of brevity code...if there was some way to limit each player to 1 whine a day it would be easier to see the important stuff.

The code I personaly use consists of the following:

oops - augered
poop - I'm hit
poopsticks - going down
dam squirrels - hit a tree
friggin squirrels - didn't see the tree I hit
what the...? - shot and towered before I realized I was in trouble
OMG - P-51 tried to HO me in a 190-A8
aw geez - more than 1 Spixteen around
dammit - blacked out
dammit what the? - blacked out again
ridiculous - held steep dive too long and wings came off

b.s. - Cobia just pulled a barrel roll in his A-20 and shot me down
yeah baby - finally pinged Grizz's 262 with my 190A8
in the gutter - Betty is talking on vox
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Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline Kirin

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 10:59:25 AM »
SLOW: speed of less than 300 knots.

Weeee!  :airplane:
Real men fly Radial!

Offline LLogann

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2010, 11:27:30 AM »
I use oops alot!   :lol

The code I personaly use consists of the following:

oops - augered

See Rule #4
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Offline waystin2

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2010, 11:37:17 AM »
Great list Sir! 
You forgot:

HOT DONUTS-necessary radio transmissions only :D
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Offline ImADot

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2010, 12:24:48 PM »
You forgot:

I'm A Dot - already bugged out and half way home (a dot on the horizon)    :neener:
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Offline druski85

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2010, 12:32:40 PM »
Thanks for posting.  A few thoughts: 

1. Low : Under 10k
Medium: 10-30k
High: 30k

Must be rooks.  * dodges incoming flaming feces*

2. Slow: Less than 300 Knots. 

Again, rooks. (in pwnies!)   *builds anti-flame fort*

3. Gorilla:  All complaints about the "horde" should hence force be redirected toward the  "gorilla."

4. Tumbleweed: The state in which Druski perpetually lives/flies.


Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2010, 01:05:21 PM »
I'm sure my squaddies would use this in-game but I dont see the code word(s) for stories beginning with "So I was at this bar last night..."

Offline gyrene81

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2010, 01:10:01 PM »
I'm sure my squaddies would use this in-game but I dont see the code word(s) for stories beginning with "So I was at this bar last night..."
dood!!! - So I was at the bar last night...
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Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2010, 01:15:47 PM »
dood!!! - So I was at the bar last night...

"Dood!" might work but then what about the problem of condensing all Grizz's subsequent stories about getting "shot down" at said watering hole?

"Dood-Down" maybe.  But then the story looses its luster, methinks.

Offline dhyran

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2010, 01:59:34 PM »
this is the short brevity code used by LD:

Brevity Code

    * ABORT: Directive commentary to terminate. Applicable to a specific attack maneuver or entire mission.
    * ANGELS: Altitude expressed in thousands of feet. Angels 20 means 20,000 ft.
    * BANDIT: Known enemy aircraft. Only used when the contact is confirmed hostile.
    * BINGO / BINGO FUEL: A predetermined fuel quantity that is required to safely return to base.
    * BLIND: Lost visual contact with appropriate friendly aircraft. Generally means that the wingman lost sight of a flight lead. The opposite of this is VISUAL.
    * BOGEY: An unknown radar/visual contact.Bogey could be:

          FRIENDLY: selfexplanatory
          BANDIT:known enemy aircraft (pending on identification, only used when contact is confirmed hostile).

    * BOX: Groups/contacts/formations in a square, as viewed on a radar display or from above.
    * BRACKET: Indicates geometry where aircraft will maneuver to a position on opposing sides of a given point / target, either laterally / vertically/ or a combination of both. Basically, it is a relatively short-range pincer maneuver.
    * BREAK: (Up/Down/Right/Left) Directive to perform an immediate maximum performance turn. Assumes a defensive situation that requires immediate action.
    * BUG OUT: Separate from the engagement and head for a safe area or home.
    * CLEAN: 1.) No radar contacts, i.e. your radar scope is clean. 2.) An aircraft configuration without any external stores or tanks.
    * CLOSING: Bandit/bogey/target is decreasing its range.
    * COVER: Directive R/T to assume supporting role and responsibilities.
    * DRAG/DRAGGING: (Direction) Bogey/Bandit maneuvering to 60 degrees or less aspect. Can also describe your own actions.
    * ENGAGED: Maneuvering with respect to a threat or target in order to kill or negate an attack.
    * FLEET WET/DRY: Transitioning from flying over water/land.
    * HARD LEFT/RIGHT: Directive call to initiate a High-G, energy sustaining turn. Generally used when entering a fight offensively. A break turn is used for a defensive situation.
    * HIGH: Target altitude at or above 20,000 feet MSL.
    * HOME PLATE: Home airfield.
    * KILL: Commit and kill specified target.
    * LOW: Target altitude below 10,000 feet MSL
    * MEDIUM: Target altitude between 10,000 and 20,000 feet MSL.
    * MERGE/ MERGED: 1.) Bandits and friendlies are in the visual arena. 2.) Radar returns have come together.
    * NO JOY: Lost or no visual contact with the target/bandit; opposite of TALLY.
    * PRESS: Continue the attack; mutual support will be maintained.
    * SLOW: speed of less than 180 mpH.
    * STATUS: Request for an individuals tactical situation; generally described as "offensive," "defensive," or "neutral."
    * TALLY: Bandit in sight; opposite of "NO JOY."
    * TARGET: Specific sort responsibility
    * TRAIL: Formation of two or more aircraft following one another.
    * VISUAL: Friendly aircraft in sight; opposite of "BLIND."
    * WEEDS: Very low altitude.
    * WINCHESTER: No ordnance remaining.

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~

Offline bravoa8

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Re: Brevity Code (Combat Pilot Speak)
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2010, 02:01:19 PM »
 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
It's too bad 200 isn't limited to some sort of brevity code...if there was some way to limit each player to 1 whine a day it would be easier to see the important stuff.

The code I personaly use consists of the following:

oops - augered
poop - I'm hit
poopsticks - going down
dam squirrels - hit a tree
friggin squirrels - didn't see the tree I hit
what the...? - shot and towered before I realized I was in trouble
OMG - P-51 tried to HO me in a 190-A8
aw geez - more than 1 Spixteen around
dammit - blacked out
dammit what the? - blacked out again
ridiculous - held steep dive too long and wings came off

b.s. - Cobia just pulled a barrel roll in his A-20 and shot me down
yeah baby - finally pinged Grizz's 262 with my 190A8
in the gutter - Betty is talking on vox