Author Topic: Dueling function  (Read 825 times)

Offline Crash Orange

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Dueling function
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:16:26 PM »
We see a lot of arguments on this forum that come down to something like this:

Joe: "[Something about 1-1 fights or taking down hangars or whatever]"

Fred: "You're describing DA play, not MA; the MA isn't primarily for dueling."

Joe: "Have you been to the DA lately? It's the last place you can actually duel."

It's been said before that the solution of this should be to fix the DA rather than try to make the MA what the DA ought to be, and I certainly feel that way, but good suggestions as to how to do this are few and far between. Well, I don't know whether it's a good one, but here's my suggestion - please let me know what you think.

Why not have a functionality in the DA that makes it impossible to interrupt a duel? I can't imagine it would be much trouble from a technical standpoint, but hopefully someone can explain if it would be.

What happens is you fly around, see someone you want to fight (or meet someone in a prearranged place), and type the dot command .duel [CPID]. The nearest red plane's icon is boxed in just like friendlies are when you check 6. You can leave the box on him or toggle through any other red icons just like the check 6 function. When it's on the plane you want, a second or so later that player gets a message saying "You have been challenged to a duel. Do you accept?" The icon of the challenger will appear boxed to the challenged. If the challenged refuses, nothing happens. If he accepts, you stay red to each other, but you both become green to every other plane in the arena on all three sides, and every other plane becomes green to you. No one can jump in because they'd only killshoot themselves. This would last until one of you went to the tower. Alternately, there could be another dot command (also requiring that the other player accept) so that if one player chickens out and runs the other won't be stuck unable to fight anyone until the first player lands.

I can imagine all sorts of ways this could be abused in the MA, but it seems to me it would be a nice feature for the DA.

Comments, opinions, rotten vegetables?

Offline IrishOne

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2010, 09:18:29 PM »
DA seems fine to me

Offline Scotch

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2010, 10:40:16 PM »
Been suggested many times.

Offline 1701E

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2010, 10:45:33 PM »
Why not simply go to one of the bases set for dueling?  Ask if someone wants to duel and go to the base.  If someone interrupts send the film to HTC.  It was posted in the DA a while back that anyone disturbing a duel at a dueling base risks being kicked from the game.
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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2010, 04:29:06 PM »
Why not simply go to one of the bases set for dueling?  Ask if someone wants to duel and go to the base.  If someone interrupts send the film to HTC.  It was posted in the DA a while back that anyone disturbing a duel at a dueling base risks being kicked from the game.

Offline TC31st

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2010, 01:11:51 PM »
tell ya what would work wonders in the DA...(specifically the Furball area) since most planes usually pair off sooner or later anyway -if someone's engaged with a con, find another target! --or--When you come across a fight in progress how about some simple common sense and basic consideration for your teammates.  Sort of a DA code of honor; if that concept is even remotely possible...(I know, I know in the Furball area "anything goes", but I don't think that means everyone can act like inconsiderate buttholes and its perfectly acceptable..)

LOOK first, take millisecond to determine if your teamate is in control or needs help...then ASK if he/she even wants or needs your help  (cpid, "you got that guy?" or You need a hand with that xxx?"). OR  at the very least, SAY SOMETHING..(cpid, I got a shot on your xxx, I'm gonna take it, OK?)

9 out of 10 will give you the go or even welcome your help, but if someones been working a con for 10 mins and you come blasting in and steal it well you may think you are awesome but you just look like a complete fool.  On the flip side, too many times I have let a killshot go because I assumed my teamate had him only to find out later he was pilot wounded or out of ammo and the con got away because I didn't say anything.

Kill stealing and firing over someones shoulder at their target is the true mark of a moron and just plain inconsiderate and immature.

can it really be that difficult to just grow up and have some manners?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 01:19:16 PM by TC31st »

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2010, 03:06:19 PM »
tell ya what would work wonders in the DA...(specifically the Furball area) since most planes usually pair off sooner or later anyway -if someone's engaged with a con, find another target! --or--When you come across a fight in progress how about some simple common sense and basic consideration for your teammates.  Sort of a DA code of honor; if that concept is even remotely possible...(I know, I know in the Furball area "anything goes", but I don't think that means everyone can act like inconsiderate buttholes and its perfectly acceptable..)

LOOK first, take millisecond to determine if your teamate is in control or needs help...then ASK if he/she even wants or needs your help  (cpid, "you got that guy?" or You need a hand with that xxx?"). OR  at the very least, SAY SOMETHING..(cpid, I got a shot on your xxx, I'm gonna take it, OK?)

9 out of 10 will give you the go or even welcome your help, but if someones been working a con for 10 mins and you come blasting in and steal it well you may think you are awesome but you just look like a complete fool.  On the flip side, too many times I have let a killshot go because I assumed my teamate had him only to find out later he was pilot wounded or out of ammo and the con got away because I didn't say anything.

Kill stealing and firing over someones shoulder at their target is the true mark of a moron and just plain inconsiderate and immature.

can it really be that difficult to just grow up and have some manners?

That's called simple common courtesy, should be practiced in all arena's not just the DA.

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2010, 03:19:16 PM »

That's called simple common courtesy, should be practiced in all arena's not just the DA.
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Offline crazierthanu

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2010, 03:32:44 PM »

That's called simple common courtesy, should be practiced in all arena's not just the DA.
When most people see a 1v1 they think of the probable kill, not courtesy or consideration of there teamates/enemies.

Not saying I agree with that at all, but (sadly) that is the common players mindset. Even I do this sometimes, not because of eagerness for a kill, but just getting caught up in the fight and excitement.
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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2010, 07:50:59 PM »
I spent most of my first year in the DA every night and the issue, as I see it, is a bit different.  There are groups of guys that fight together at all 3 country bases.  They have become friends (and enemies) over a long period of time and when over "furball lake" its a free-for-all with guys winging up, BnZing, etc etc etc.  That pretty much explains getting picked when you are in a 1 v 1 with someone over the lake...they treat each other like squadmates and generally, they are.

The second difference is that those guys take their DA "score" seriously.  I have no idea why, they just, if you are a breathing, moving target, your death will pad their numbers.  I know, I know...some pay attention only to their gunnery numbers but even that is ridiculous because most of the guys that fly in there REGULARLY use F3 mode almost constantly.  Its their money so they can do as they like but I've seen pilots that move to the MA and because F3 is not an option, they go from .085 to .032 overnight not to mention the hideous advantage it gives you when looking backwards.

What is most important is that those you fly against over the lake are virtually NEVER the ones that go "picking" at private fields.  That is verbotten and posted as such.  If you are at a private field and someone interrupts your private 1 v 1, my understanding is that you can be banned from the game if that person is filmed and reported.  I know its a lot better than it used to be and I think the aforementioned posted rule had a lot to do with it. :salute


« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 07:57:51 PM by Changeup »
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2010, 08:02:01 PM »
Furball lake is invested during later hours with Temp, 4 hogs and such just BnZin. Sometimes you cant find someone to 1v1 as well.

Heres a solution.....

If everyone just took 2 seconds to ask someone if they need help with X con we wouldnt have such a problem. If Im the 1 end of a 2v1 but I found out that hey these guys were winging/ working together well thats a <S> for nice team flying. But when my own friendly comes in a kills the guy Im low and slow with in scissors then afterwards says "Hey he looked like he was winning just saving you" then Im going to be mad, especially because it was probably was a good knife fight where the slightest mistake was going to lose the bout.

Its not hard people, just common courtesy, ask before you jumped into a 1v1
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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2010, 09:32:47 PM »

That's called simple common courtesy, should be practiced in all arena's not just the DA.

Yup, had that happen to me today. Some dude (fighter ranked in the top 25) "shoulder fireing" behind me as I was on a con at D200. What's even cooler is that I thought *I* was being fired on for 1 second, looked back...saw the guy and my con is dead...

Not a single word was muttered on his part. Not even, "hey I am going to fire, dont worry about the tracers going by your canopy"

Friggen moron...I hope your precious score is worth it.


« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 09:37:31 PM by papjohns »
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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2010, 10:06:29 PM »
tell ya what would work wonders in the DA...(specifically the Furball area) since most planes usually pair off sooner or later anyway -if someone's engaged with a con, find another target! --or--When you come across a fight in progress how about some simple common sense and basic consideration for your teammates.  Sort of a DA code of honor; if that concept is even remotely possible...(I know, I know in the Furball area "anything goes", but I don't think that means everyone can act like inconsiderate buttholes and its perfectly acceptable..)

LOOK first, take millisecond to determine if your teamate is in control or needs help...then ASK if he/she even wants or needs your help  (cpid, "you got that guy?" or You need a hand with that xxx?"). OR  at the very least, SAY SOMETHING..(cpid, I got a shot on your xxx, I'm gonna take it, OK?)

9 out of 10 will give you the go or even welcome your help, but if someones been working a con for 10 mins and you come blasting in and steal it well you may think you are awesome but you just look like a complete fool.  On the flip side, too many times I have let a killshot go because I assumed my teamate had him only to find out later he was pilot wounded or out of ammo and the con got away because I didn't say anything.

Kill stealing and firing over someones shoulder at their target is the true mark of a moron and just plain inconsiderate and immature.

can it really be that difficult to just grow up and have some manners?
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

Online Oldman731

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2010, 10:21:59 PM »
What happens is you fly around, see someone you want to fight (or meet someone in a prearranged place), and type the dot command .duel [CPID].

Didn't AirWarrior have this?  When the duel was accepted, the two of you were promptly transported into your own world?

- oldman

Offline TMAW

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Re: Dueling function
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2010, 09:14:15 AM »
Didn't AirWarrior have this?  When the duel was accepted, the two of you were promptly transported into your own world?

IIRC you could have several people duel at a time.