f6f had self sealing fuel tanks, armor for pilot and it did absorb 20mm and 7.7 mm Mg from the Japanese planes pretty well. I am just wondering have they changed anything regarding performance of the f6f ? Also, wouldn't depend on which version of P47 ? Would not the M or N out climb the F6F ?
wepped up the M would out climb the F6F no matter the alt, N would outclimb the F6F from 15,200 ish and up. Both jugs would be eaten alive by the F6F if only on military power. Both jugs would outrun the F6F even on military alone...
Reading these charts can come in handy... I know alot of people would expect a P51D would outfly these jugs... reading the comparison charts i found that the P51D has very few altitudes that a pony will outfly the M model and at 15-20k the N is an even match... The 51D vs P47Ms is like Green Hulk vs Red Hulk (both are big and angry but are even fighters) and the 47D models are actually almost even in climbing versus the 47N. The M overall the other jugs fighterwise is a beast and a half though.
But i digress
any P47 vs F6F the fight would be good. even a D11 will outrun an F6F any alt and will outclimb it at around 17.5k. The F6F was never meant to fight this plane. Both have good armor, the placement of ammo rounds on them is the key really to killing them... I've de-winged F6Fs as easily as i have P47s with .50cal 20mm 30mm. Just aim right.