Author Topic: A 91st Bomb Group (H) A.A.R.  (Read 410 times)

Offline thndregg

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A 91st Bomb Group (H) A.A.R.
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:34:07 AM »
This is an A.A.R. by our bomb group's X.O., Hawkerii. Not one of our huge missions, but it was a "white-knuckle" experience nonetheless.

May 1st, 2010

Early morning

Briefing: 3 Flights of b-17’s to hit hanger A-9, A-53, A-52

Map name: NDISLES

Crews: ThndrEgg, Tripod, Hawkeri /Escort: Bevis

Upped out of A-15, turned North nose on to A-9 at 18k. Half way between A-9/A-10 we are jumped by several fighters. Fought our way to A-9 with fighters in tow. A-9 in bomb sights, Thndr calls out not to worry about hitting targets due to incoming fighters. Thndr calls out bombs away, Tripod calls NO JOY on target, I drop but we all quickly return to gunner mode. 51’s, 47’s and a F4U chase us for 2 sectors North of A-9, the fight is ON!! At one point, we were double teamed by a 51 and 47 both made multiple passes on us, this went on for 1 sector or so and I lost one of my drones. BUT we endured, shooting down all cons chasing us. Beat up, low on fuel and ammo another dar bar appears in our sector, what do we do? Turn East and run, seems the only thing we can do, or is it? BEVIS calls out, P47 I will keep him busy and boy does he (WTG BEVIS). Turning South and diving for the deck, Thndr calls out for some help from the B.O.P’s. Waldo <S> ups from CV 13 to run interference between us and 2 cons to clear our RTB to A-11. All flights land safety.

Kills: ThndrEgg 2

        Hawkeri    3

        Tripod      5 assist   

Aircraft damage: Hawkeri- 1 drone KIA. Lead aircraft: Left elevator missing, Several large bullet holes in both main wings, many smaller bullet holes though out the aircraft, including 5-6 in pilot side front windshield.

ThndrEgg: Damage unknown

Tripod : Damage unknown

Not a high damage run, but fun over all. You should have been there.


XO 91st Bomber Group
Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"The Ragged Irregulars"