This thread has gone full retard.
Weird thing about this whole rejection issue...I was asked, and I declined. Apparently the one who asked me denied it being official, but either way I turned it down. I would much rather spend my time as the new Presidente El Muppito Fan Club
I once had Grizz's 262 in my 262 gunsight. He was stick-stiring for a 1/2 sector at 400 yards. As I came to within 200, I was blasted out of the sky by manned puffy ack from a CV owned by a 3rd country.Oh the humanity!He probably would have reversed and killed me anyways...
Never go full retard.
Do not get caught up in the country-centric thinking.
The only question is, will this go as far as the Muppet trol of a few years ago ?My memory may have lead me wrong not sure if that old trol was muppets or BK's or both. After so many trols over the years they all run into each other.
That was the BK's infamous troll.The Army of Muppets were begotten of the Blue Knights.
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 orthere would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9
This Thread is(Image removed from quote.)
Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch
It's a quote from the movie Tropic Thunder. Lighten up.