Author Topic: Discos  (Read 281 times)

Offline 68EZPkns

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« on: June 08, 2010, 03:46:59 PM »
Ever scince you guys put out the last big update I am constantly getting discoed.Iv been discoed more scince then than I have in the 2+ years iv been a customer of yours.On verge of canceling my account.What is the problem here.

Offline Skuzzy

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Re: Discos
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 03:52:46 PM »
Are you getting a message, in the game message box, stating, "Loosing UDP, switching to TCP"?

The Internet is something we at HTC cannot control.  Like yourself, we can only effect the immediate connection to our servers from our ISP.

If you are getting a high number of discos, you do have some recourse.  There is a utility available (freeware version) from named PingPlotter.

It shows all the routers your data must traverse in order to reach our servers.  Every router on the Internet is a potential source of problems.  PingPlotter can show if one, or more, of those routers is dropping packets which is the primary reason someone would be disconnected from our servers.  It needs an IP address to run to.  Use and set the utility to run for 3, or more, minutes.  It is also best to do this immediately after a disco.

I believe it is the second column (PL%) which shows the packet loss.  The rest of the data is the amount of time each data packet takes to traverse that router.  If you need help reading or analyzing the information, you can save it as text and email it to me.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese