Author Topic: Jstick not recognized  (Read 768 times)

Offline DmdBT

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Jstick not recognized
« on: November 16, 2001, 07:58:00 PM »
The CH setup on my old system was through a CH Gamecard. The new system does not support the gamecard (doesnt fit any of the slots) and I'm having trouble getting windows to recognize my joystick through the board's gameport and the soundcard's gameport. When plugged into the soundcard the Speedkeys program will recognize it but when plugged into the board's port Speedkeys can't detect it. In either port Win98 doesn't see the stick. I tried to set it up as a 3-axis 2-button controller with rudders but keep getting the message that it is not connected. It also is not recognized in AH.
Please help... I'm getting AH withdrawl sickness...


Asus a7m266 motherboard
Soundblaster Live 5.1 xgamer card
CH Prothrottle and F16 Fighterstick
TM rudder pedals
Win98 with DX 8.1

Offline K West

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Jstick not recognized
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2001, 09:51:00 AM »
Dump the gamecard! I switched to this:

rock steady, no more spikes all! I bought 3 at $11.00 ea US recently from this guy:

 But if you need to decide which port you want to use. I think your Win98 doesn't see anything because you have two gameports and not one. Disable one then try and ensure that it shows 201 under "resources" in the joystick config/properties in windows device manager.


[ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: O'Westy ]

Offline Don

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Jstick not recognized
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2001, 10:11:00 AM »
I had a similar problem with Win 98. I use the CH Pro-throt and the F16 Fighterstick (both analog).
My solution was:
I pulled the gamecard from my system. I use an SB Live soundcard. (The live cards are powerful enough now to be able to use the gameport on the card)
I set my stick up in windows as a 2 axis, 2 button stick. This allows me to program through speedkeys all of the stick commands for my stick and pro-throt.
Westy is correct too, disable any other soundcard or gameport you are not using on your system. If you do not have a sound blaster Live card, get one or, one which is as efficient.
Good Luck

Offline Don

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Jstick not recognized
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2001, 10:15:00 AM »

So the peripheral at the rockfire site converts analog joysticks to USB? And you have CH stuff that you have converted?
Does it work well?

Offline K West

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Jstick not recognized
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2001, 06:54:00 PM »
Works very, very well. As much as the gamecard was an big improvement over your typical sound card port this adapter is a 100 fold leap over the gamecard. I removed my CH gamecard and software completely. I then plugged my analog CH Pro Throttle, F16Fighterstick, Pro pedals setup into the USB adapter and then plugged the adapter into the USB port. Windows installed the adapter as an "HID" device and the joystick applet showed what was connected to be a 4 axis 4 button joystick. I used to have as a 3 axis 2  (or 4?) button stick and wih the 4 different modes on the converter maybe one of the settings emulates that. But this way works fine so I've not messed with it since. I calibrated it once using the CH "JCenter" utility ( to make sure the pots were centered) and then in the windows app. Not one single spike, rock steady and I've not had to recalibrate since. The only problem is every now and then that "4th axis" acts up and spits out +'s and -'s. Least that's what I think is casuing it.  The CH JCenter utility still works fine and using Speedkeys I've ot had any problems. I have my individual speedkey files on my dekstop and I double click those versus loading up Speedkeys and selecting the appropriate config.

Offline Don

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Jstick not recognized
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2001, 11:21:00 AM »

Thanks for the feedback. One more question  :)
You have all 3 peripherals plugged into one adapter, or do you have one adapter for each?

I also have the + and - characters showing up but, I don't even have my stuff plugged into anything. I'm not sure if its a problem with my joystick, throttle or with the speedkeys program. CH products has been less than helpful, ever since MS came out with Win 98, and even less so, since the came out with Win ME (piece of crap IMO).