Author Topic: Its time for another toolshedding thread....  (Read 7650 times)

Offline Nemisis

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #120 on: June 16, 2010, 05:05:57 PM »
Just go shoot them! That's it, very simple.

No, it isn't. Yesterday, 2 sets of B-24's came over and killed FH's at our TT base of V85 (our ONLY airbase within reasonable distance of TT), even when they had complete air superiority. There were 4 of us when we all upped together, with a full enemy dar-bar in the sectors to the East and South-East.

They were at 12k, while we were on the deck, trying to keep out bases.
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #121 on: June 16, 2010, 05:16:35 PM »

Junky et al...your problem is that you have no developed concept of defensive play...allow me to enlighten you: :old:

Last night the BoPs had our squad night :cheers:...rooks were not really opposing us so we took 5 rook bases fairly quickly.  We were running another mission and I noticed on squad ch were Ronin and Thatguy (members of the Flying Squirrels).  The reason they stood out was that I had killed both of them during the last base take.  I queried why they were now bish and in my mission :noid and they responded..."because you guys seemed to be having fun" :banana:.  Great Answer!!!!  So we invited them to hang out with us for the rest of the night.   :airplane:

The rooks began fighting back and counterattacking. :joystick:  Nice!  I spottted a large dar bar upping from a nearby rook field and called the squad to launch light fiters :airplane: and head in that direction.  About 10 of us ran into 8 sets of rook buffs and escorts trying to shut down a81.  We got most of them but unfortunately they eventually knocked down our fiter hangers :(.  I was still up and saw a base north of us temporarily pop a darbar that disappeared.  I headed over there and found 4 sets of noe buffs heading to our base. :t  My boys promptly upped b25s and il2s headed north :airplane: and engaged the noe buffs allowing our fhs to recover.  The few of us left in fiters cruised looking for goons.  Finally fhs popped and we continued the night repelling attacks.

Tons of was alot of fun setting up attack passes on the buff formations.  I hope Hitech doesnt change a thing.  PREVENTING them from dropping fiter hangers was part of the complicated defense that we had to arrange.  Keeping guys at different alts and with different capability planes required some PLANNING and thoughtfullness on our part.  Nice Nice Nice!

I hope Hitech never feels the need to treat us like ADHD teenagers but continues to allow us to play this game like adults! :aok

Sounds like a fun night to me  :aok
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #122 on: June 16, 2010, 06:53:39 PM »
I wonder what a bomber pilot in AH is supposed to do?  If they hit an active field they are griefers spoiling the fight.  If they hit an inactive field they are dweebs attacking undefended bases.

I also wonder how a guy who will rat out his own countrymen's mission just to spoil their fun thinks he will be taken seriously when attempting to suggest a way to make the game more fun for him?  It seems to me that those that were ratted on and those who disagreed with that act would be inclined to do the exact opposite of what the OP wants.

I don't disagree that the VH should always be the first thing dropped from a strategic perspective but many are playing for other reasons; fun, to help out their country, score and other reasons.  Maybe they think they'll only get one pass at the field and those fighter hangers are lined up like ducks in a row.

For all the gripes in this game regarding play styles I don't think any thread on the BBs is going to substantially change the varied ways in which people play the game; good or bad.  To use the "we're trying to change the culture" argument is just pissing in the wind.  The only way the culture will change is with game design changes that reward people for acting differently and even that may not do it.

So, for oh so many reasons, this thread is pointless.  It simply displays once again the conceited "me" attitude of the OP.  Had that personality trait not been revealed earlier then there may have been a chance at a civil discussion regarding these wishes, some of which have merit.
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #123 on: June 16, 2010, 07:14:53 PM »
 :aok^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :aok 

Offline maus92

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #124 on: June 16, 2010, 07:29:09 PM »
I wonder what a bomber pilot in AH is supposed to do?  If they hit an active field they are griefers spoiling the fight.  If they hit an inactive field they are dweebs attacking undefended bases.

I don't disagree that the VH should always be the first thing dropped from a strategic perspective but many are playing for other reasons; fun, to help out their country, score and other reasons.  Maybe they think they'll only get one pass at the field and those fighter hangers are lined up like ducks in a row.

Perhaps the buffs could strategically bomb the towns, and leave the airfield targets to tacair?  That way once the attackers tire of playing with the mice, they can just take the base.
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #125 on: June 16, 2010, 07:32:13 PM »
Perhaps the buffs could strategically bomb the towns, and leave the airfield targets to tacair?  That way once the attackers tire of playing with the mice, they can just take the base.

Better yet, let the bombers bomb what they want and the base defenders defend their base from the bombers.  HiTech has given us all the necessary tools we need to defend the bases from bombers.  The problem is that some choose not to use these tools and instead whine on the forums.

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #126 on: June 16, 2010, 07:49:51 PM »
At this point I'm starting to wonder if changeup and junky are an official "couple".  :huh

At this point its obvious Bear couldn't think of anything smarter so he went with the "ghey" comment....I guess the bottom of the comic barrel is pretty shallow Bear....epic FAIL
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #127 on: June 16, 2010, 08:03:46 PM »
At this point its obvious Bear couldn't think of anything smarter so he went with the "ghey" comment....I guess the bottom of the comic barrel is pretty shallow Bear....epic FAIL

Oh my bad, the way you were sticking up for him just gave me that impression. BTW, "epic" is pretty tarded. Just saying.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #128 on: June 16, 2010, 08:38:51 PM »
Oh my bad, the way you were sticking up for him just gave me that impression. BTW, "epic" is pretty tarded. Just saying.
Easy throwing the tard word around :rolleyes:

With all due respect, no one is asking HiTech to change anything.  I believe, and Junky feel free to correct me, this is about gathering some momentum for style-of-play changes of players who read this thread.  I know I don't want anything changed in the game...this is just another way to look at the fight, perpetuate it and why the fight can go away so quickly.  He's trying to convince folks to give another method a shot....anyone who sees it differently should ask him.  It appears we have a ton of mind-readers here...any one of the mind-readers wanna go to Vegas with me?  You'll be able to buy HTC when we get back...I promise.


PS - I am fairly certain that Junky and I have a pretty well-developed sense of defensive play...although I don't see your example of enlightenment littered with defensive tactics that are particularly novel.  Recruit some buds, hit some buffs, wait for the FH to pop and cruise for offense but I don't feel enlightened.  You would have probably had more fun if they wouldn't have dropped your FH which I believe is the point of this thread!  :rofl :rofl :rofl :salute
Im not good at conveying my words on here compared to most but that is exactly where I was going with this.

I wonder what a bomber pilot in AH is supposed to do?  If they hit an active field they are griefers spoiling the fight.  If they hit an inactive field they are dweebs attacking undefended bases.
I dont like when they hit bases NOE, Ill never talk crap about someone doing high alt bombing on a base in the middle of nowhere
I also wonder how a guy who will rat out his own countrymen's mission just to spoil their fun thinks he will be taken seriously when attempting to suggest a way to make the game more fun for him?  It seems to me that those that were ratted on and those who disagreed with that act would be inclined to do the exact opposite of what the OP wants.
Countrymen? 95% of the time Im a knight, it was a rook mission. Who said I did it to spoil fun? I did it to create a better fight which seems to go along with the point of this thread....
I don't disagree that the VH should always be the first thing dropped from a strategic perspective but many are playing for other reasons; fun, to help out their country, score and other reasons.  Maybe they think they'll only get one pass at the field and those fighter hangers are lined up like ducks in a row.
You will definately score better hitting buildings in a town....If they can only drop one more thing it all depends on thee situation ie gv spawn Id hit the vh so the forces defending the horde which must of upped doesnt have to split forces between ground and air.....
For all the gripes in this game regarding play styles I don't think any thread on the BBs is going to substantially change the varied ways in which people play the game; good or bad.  To use the "we're trying to change the culture" argument is just pissing in the wind.  The only way the culture will change is with game design changes that reward people for acting differently and even that may not do it.
Ill tell you a story, I used to pick and vulch alot....landed a good amount of kills and thought I was ubber or something. Then I had a little duel with someone everyone seems to hate....J0KER(at the time Joker2) and he kicked the crap out of me and made fun of me for being a little turd.....I decided I wanted to get better after that and started 1v1ing alot more....then some good sticks gave me some tips here or there and I got into the fighting aspect of it...I may not land any more kills these days but the excitement from the fights I have from dragging people out to 1v1 or taking on 3 enemy planes is better then Bnzing in a typh. It doesnt have to be something added into the game to make someone like playing different,
So, for oh so many reasons, this thread is pointless.  It simply displays once again the conceited "me" attitude of the OP.  ) that personality trait not been revealed earlier then there may have been a chance at a civil discussion regarding these wishes, some of which have merit.
"All the coolest players, have a bunch of haters" A rapper cant remember which one :uhoh said this. You dont like my attitude, I dont care....Thats one thing Ive picked up in the last 2 years of my life, even if you completely hate someone you still can work with them. So next time I post a FHs thread instead of coming here and waiting till page 8 to actually throw in an arguement or a discussion comment(threads already dead :rolleyes:) How about your first post not be completely retarded
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #129 on: June 16, 2010, 08:46:20 PM »
Oh my bad, the way you were sticking up for him just gave me that impression. BTW, "epic" is pretty tarded. Just saying.

Ahhh....that must be it.  There weren't any other people helping each other make their was just me helping Junky...yep...(read: crap, Changeup has a point...using the ghey couple analogy is pretty stupid especially when Lyric was backing Ack-Ack....darn I look foolish...I think I will throw in the pretty tarded remark....that should help). :noid

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #130 on: June 16, 2010, 08:50:16 PM »
Get off his ankle.....
Ahhh....that must be it.  There weren't any other people helping each other make their was just me helping Junky...yep...(read: crap, Changeup has a point...using the ghey couple analogy is pretty stupid especially when Lyric was backing Ack-Ack....darn I look foolish...I think I will throw in the pretty tarded remark....that should help). :noid

Changeup dont worry about the little ankle-humping bear.....let akak deal with him :devil
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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #131 on: June 16, 2010, 08:54:50 PM »
Who said I did it to spoil fun? I did it to create a better fight which seems to go along with the point of this thread....

How about the fun for the people that created and took part?  That's why you're no better than the toolshedders that go out of their way to grief because others aren't playing how they want them to play. 


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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #132 on: June 16, 2010, 08:56:46 PM »
Changeup dont worry about the little ankle-humping bear.....let akak deal with him :devil

lol...worried?  Not even close....there are some things you can't fix...

« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 08:58:44 PM by Changeup »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #133 on: June 16, 2010, 08:58:18 PM »
That's why you're no better than the toolshedders that go out of their way to grief because others aren't playing how they want them to play. 


Umm, does Ack have that sentence set up as a keyboard macro?  Or is it Groundhog Day? :rofl

"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

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Re: Its time for another toolshedding thread....
« Reply #134 on: June 16, 2010, 08:59:45 PM »