not everyone has mics. I thought you were talking about discipline on mic use ? not communication ? it really does not matter who does and who does not use a mic. its just a game, not a real time life deal, making people use a mic is not nice, I've had many people actually force me to get a mic and talk. i did finally get one, and my biggest saying is "check'6", that's pretty much all i say, you might as well just use the check-6 button.
He doesn't mean communicate as in BS about stuff. He means communicate as in talk about incoming threats and give checks and such. Basically when you have several people all communicating about the state of the battle, it really starts to shift your way in short order. Everyone has a much better mental image of the situation. That helps everyone's situational awareness tremendously.
Using the check button is just fine, there is just the smallest little detail about it that gets me. There is a delay from the time that you hit the button to the time that the message gets sent and shows up. Sometimes it's a second or so. That time can get you killed sometimes. A vox check6 is much quicker.
If you don't like to talk and use vox, that's totally all right man. Of course you don't have to. It's just helpful in fights when more people do.
Personally, when I'm outside of a fight area, I like to BS with people some, but once the bad guys show up, all that stops. To each his own however.