I've been reading all these threads about the new radar settings. Before I begin I played Friday night and most of the day yesterday and they made no difference to me although for the record I think 65' is too low.
What I don't get is all the people jumping for joy over these settings because they will limit the NOE crowd. For the most part, these same people are those who always say they don't care about winning the war and, if you are to believe them, are ACM masters who could single handedly take down an entire hoard of "skilless dweebs". If you don't care about winning the war then why care about the NOE base takers? I don't and haven't cared about either one. I just want to kill people and blow suff up.
Frankly, when the NOE guys take a single base deep in the enemy backfield it just creates more fights on that part of the map. I always thought that was a good thing. Evidently I was mistaken.
On the other hand, if you do care about winning the war, then one of your strategies has just been taken from you. What were once 5-10 man NOE missions will now turn into 20-30 man hoard missions. Even I with my modest skills stood a chance against 5-10 low 110's but I don't want to be anywhere near the 30 man hoard with alt and E.
I don't know. You guys can all spout your awsome skills and ACM prowess and jump on each other's ankles but I don't see any good coming from this. Like I said, I don't get it.