So. I've always liked TrackIR ever since I borrowed Silat's for a few months but the cost always put me off. Paying anywhere between $100 and $200 for it seemed exorbitant. Well this weekend I decided to use "project time" on myself rather than the kids (for the first weekend in 5 years!)
First the software.
I found this while reading up on how TrackIR works, quite accidentally;]
Free, open source, head-tracking software? I'm downloading that.
After reading through the site, I head off into the kids room and steal the EYE TOY from their PS2, find the drivers online and have it set up on my PC as a web-cam.
Right, so, software = done, receiver = done. All I need is an emitter but I also want to see if this software works so I set it to Single Point tracking and grab the Blu-Ray remote from the living room and point it at the monitor that the EYE TOY is sat on. Grinning, I see my pilots view move smoothly through 2 axis, X and Y. It works!
Off to Radioshack.
Radioshack is a wonderful place, filled with wonderful things, staffed by idiots. After I've spent 10 minutes telling the spotty twerp what I was doing and what I needed from his store, he tried to sell me an Iphone. I went looking for myself, found the IR-LED draw with 1 LED in it and no resistors! Feh! I left the store dispondant but with instructions to re-stock their supplies as I would be back.
On the way home I stopped to get gas. It was while I was in the gas station I saw these Maglite (knock-off) keyring flashlights for a buck each. What the hell, eh? I buy three. Arriving home I do the same test I did with the remote earlier and the webcam and software both react positively to the mini-light after some fiddling with the camera settings. Result!
Grabbing a wire coat-hanger and some pliers I get to work, bending shaping and taping my first prototype. It takes around 10 minutes before I'm satisfied;
It's my first prototype and I don't care how it looks, I love it!
To cut this short, It works. Not only that, it works beautifully, as good as TrackIR for sure! It does take a few more of you computer's resources, running a webcam and Aces High together and therefore, those of us with lower spec machines (and I'm talking machines as old as mine with an old P4 and 1gb of RAM) will notice a performance drop but hey, use the money you've saved on TrackIR to upgrade.
Total cost for this project, assuming you already own a webcam, coathanger and tape;