AMD all the way.
Intel has as many bad apples % wise as AMD. And, Intel charges you more $ for less performance.
The problem with "Building" for industry is that most industrial environments are dirty. Having worked in the auto industry, I can honestly say that the air in an auto plant has a bit more dirt and chemicals in it than your home.
Off the shelf Mobo's, cases and fans don't come equipped to withstand that type of envrionment. OEM's on the other hand (Dell, Gateway, HP, etc.) build PC's expecting this to happen.
Example: I have been plastering and sanding in my house. The dust has already killed the fan on my Video card and Mobo BGA Chip Cooler. So, I buy new ones for $20. Still have saved $300 over the P4.
So, if your friend is comparing these 2 types, he is bound to see a difference.