Hello InCrypt.
I've got some answers for your questions, maybe not the best ones :
1. for shaking cam you can use a trick in SonyVegas : by using pan & zoom you can reduce a bit the zoom and now you can pan the camera (during the scene) up, down, left and right
randomly to create the shaking effect (see also many materials concerning shaking cam on youtube).
2. i never used multiple cam movements in my movies . What Bat said : you can use another trick by merging different cam movements.
Still, you can get some errors at the transition time . I think you can mask them with some flash or cross fade transitions :
here's a test made by me today :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlMCV6VXhLw it was made in a hurry ( you'll notice the pilot will disappear for a bit - i hate this
) - i put a cross fade in there because was an error at that transition.
3. i don't know what that script could mean but you can save a shot which can contains multiple shots within - you have to run them shot by shot and cannot merge them in AH Film viewer.