Author Topic: Make all Text Boxes movable  (Read 478 times)

Offline ghoulish

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Make all Text Boxes movable
« on: August 07, 2010, 10:44:41 AM »
Not an original idea I'm sure, but this post,286317.0.html, got me thinking.
Bottom line first:  Other than icons, any text displayed should be movable by the user to his preferences.

I recently built a new system and have 3 displays.  :banana: :banana: :banana:
I have a 26" center main and two 22" side monitors. I run them all at the same resolution so it really does look nice. But...

As things are now, Damage data is Waaaay over to the left. I don't need it up for long, but with a track-IR and the far left positioning of the Damage data it can get dicey trying to see what's hit and keep SA. Since I'm checking damage I'm obviously in a fight, and not doing well.
Also when people transmit on Range or Squad channel their name is posted on the extream top right of my right screen. Currently with my present configuration that is invisible as my side screens are positioned midline of my primary display in the vertical and the top 300 pixels are above the display.

Since the number of AH pilots with multiple dispays is increasing, I know this will get to be a bigger deal as time goes on.

Yes, I can reconfigure my displays, but then I mess up other applications I run and necessitates a stack of books under my side monitors.

So that's what Id like: Other than icons, any text displayed should be movable by the user to his preferences.