Author Topic: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town  (Read 3425 times)

Offline TDeacon

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #75 on: September 21, 2010, 05:14:03 PM »
So Larry, AckAck, etc.,

I am trying to understand your point(s) of view.  Are you saying that wanting to play in a GV-only arena is not legit? 

I understand your wanting to bomb tanks, in the context of the "win-the-war" effort.  I can understand it in the context of it just being fun to do.  But what I don't understand is why you seem to be opposed to the idea of a standardized GV-only area for those who want that?  I mean if there are players who want it, and if it doesn't impact your ability to play the way you want everywhere else, why not? 

There is also a hostile element to your posts, as evidenced by your using the loaded term "whine" to charactize someone else's opinion.  Maybe there's a past history to this discussion which I am missing. 


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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2010, 05:43:16 PM »
So Larry, AckAck, etc.,

I am trying to understand your point(s) of view.  Are you saying that wanting to play in a GV-only arena is not legit?  

I understand your wanting to bomb tanks, in the context of the "win-the-war" effort.  I can understand it in the context of it just being fun to do.  But what I don't understand is why you seem to be opposed to the idea of a standardized GV-only area for those who want that?  I mean if there are players who want it, and if it doesn't impact your ability to play the way you want everywhere else, why not?  

There is also a hostile element to your posts, as evidenced by your using the loaded term "whine" to charactize someone else's opinion.  Maybe there's a past history to this discussion which I am missing.  


TDeacon I knew when you opened this thread up again that things were going to get ugly.. As far as the hostile element goes. There are always the regulars that choose to answer every post with negativity.. There are also that "We have been playing since the begining crowd" who hate anything that has to do with change. Oakranger said that he and others have been playing for a combined 30 years. And he is telling me that that's the way it is.. I have been driving a car for 20 years. That doesn't make me an automobile expert... If you fail to follow the party line and agree with them 100% of the time, they will use the only defense they have. I refuse to place Waystin in that category because in my opinion, he has always been straight with his thoughts on a subject without the flame job. I respect him for that...
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 05:45:51 PM by sky25 »

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Offline Larry

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2010, 05:44:55 PM »
I am not opposed to it at all. In fact there is such a place already on a map whose name eludes me at the moment. At the same time there are a few maps with GV bases in the middle but also airbases near by. I am opposed to some people thinking those areas are just for GVs. Iv had countless times on Nidisles and OZkansas where Iv gotten rude comments from those types of players on 200 or by PM after dropping a bomb on them. Most have the same attitude as sky saying I'm lame, just trying to get easy kill, or trying to pad my score. I do it because its exciting and pretty hard at times when there are fighters from the other two countries trying to kill you. The only thing I am opposed to is having a tank only area on, all or, most maps. I think if that happens then why not have a fighter only area or bomber only area. IMO this game is about mixing the land, sea, and air elements not separating them into groups.

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Offline TDeacon

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #78 on: September 21, 2010, 05:48:32 PM »
OK, after reviewing the thread, I will attempt to answer my own question.

The OP is a combination of a wish for a GV-only arena (not disputed) and a complaint about gameplay (disputed).  Perhaps the objections are addressed to the complaint, rather than to the wish?  The solution then, in future, would be to phrase wishlist OPs in a manner which attempts to avoid complaints. 


Offline Lusche

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #79 on: September 21, 2010, 05:50:13 PM »
I am not opposed to it at all. In fact there is such a place already on a map whose name eludes me at the moment.

Trinity. 2 Vbases per country, with several spawns each surrounded by 20K mountains.
It's pretty safe from planes, and absolutely empty all the time. Players don't even use the "safe" tank town they have, which is a shame. This place used to be much fun...
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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #80 on: September 21, 2010, 05:56:39 PM »
Trinity. 2 Vbases per country, with several spawns each surrounded by 20K mountains.
It's pretty safe from planes, and absolutely empty all the time. Players don't even use the "safe" tank town they have, which is a shame. This place used to be much fun...

Yep I remember it was a blast in AH1 (at least I think it was the same map) back when the tiger was feared. I remember once when Kev367th and a few more of the DG took the high ground with tigers and were picking us off so we rolled a 40+ tank mission to try and stop them. It didn't work as we planed  :aok
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Offline TDeacon

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #81 on: September 21, 2010, 06:28:20 PM »

What you just said makes a certain amount of sense. 

However, I would still like to see a "always on" GV-only area implemented somehow, rather than just an occasional one associated with a specific map geography.  One reason I sometimes enjoy GVs is the "hide-and-seek" aspect.  Kind of like when I was a kid playing hide-and-seek or capture-the-flag outdoors, when success or failure involved one's ability to move stealthily through the terrain.  (Sounds silly, but I'm a silly guy sometimes...).  So here I am in my GV.  After 15 minutes of maneuvering into a position where I am about to ambush my opponent, an AC flies overhead, sees me, and blows me away with a bomb.  OK in a "win-the-war" context, but frustrating in the GV-only context.  Recognizing that that particular base is no longer GV-friendly, I exit, but sometimes have no place else to go.  Hence my support of Sky25's wishlist post. 

As a general observation as to why the above happens a lot, it seems that when they are mixed, the air game in many cases short-circuits the GV gameplay, thus spoiling the effect for GV players like myself.  It's not any one's fault; it's just due to the inherent conflict between face-paced, powerful all-seeing AC and slow, line-of-sight, "hide-and-seek-playing" GVs. 

Of course, this all falls apart if nobody uses the proposed GV-only area... 


Offline Nemisis

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2010, 06:35:59 PM »
How about we disable ordinace at TT? Well, the TT's far enough away from other airbases to make a capture unlikely.
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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2010, 09:44:19 PM »
I've read this whole thread and I don't understand the point of a GV only area. Why limit combat opportunities in a game about combat. Its like saying "No tanks at airfields." I just dont get it.
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Offline oakranger

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2010, 09:53:37 PM »
How about we disable ordinace at TT? Well, the TT's far enough away from other airbases to make a capture unlikely.

It still will not stop me upping at a distant base and fly to TT to kill a few GVs.

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2010, 09:55:46 PM »
this thread started back up? :rolleyes:
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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2010, 10:37:56 PM »
this thread started back up? :rolleyes:

I am afraid so. Some ppl, god willing, wish for something that it is logical but just do not know when to drop it. 

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #87 on: September 22, 2010, 01:06:02 AM »
30K+ Mountains around Tank Town? You certainly won't see any Knights trying to fly over those anyway  :noid
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Offline Larry

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #88 on: September 22, 2010, 02:01:03 AM »
30K+ Mountains around Tank Town? You certainly won't see any Knights trying to fly over those anyway  :noid

No, because they are such skill-less newbs that they'll just fly into them.  :P
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: GV Arena or No Fly Zone At Tank Town
« Reply #89 on: September 22, 2010, 03:09:11 AM »
So Larry, AckAck, etc.,

I am trying to understand your point(s) of view.  Are you saying that wanting to play in a GV-only arena is not legit? 

I never posted anything remotely like that.  I have suggested to those that want to GV exclusively without fear of being bombed go to the DA and use the little section reserved for GVs.  Just like the 'tards in GVs and bombers say to us furballers when we object to the bomb and GV 'tards ruining our fight. 

I even suggested that we get another arena, set up like the WW1 test server to test out new features or other GV updates. 

I understand your wanting to bomb tanks, in the context of the "win-the-war" effort.  I can understand it in the context of it just being fun to do.  But what I don't understand is why you seem to be opposed to the idea of a standardized GV-only area for those who want that?  I mean if there are players who want it, and if it doesn't impact your ability to play the way you want everywhere else, why not? 

No, you really don't understand which is evidenced by your assertion that one of my motivations for bombing GVs is to "Win the War®" and other such nonsense.  When the only motivation is just to kill the other guy that is stupid enough to get himself under my bombs.  Like I said, if you guys want a GV only place go to the DA and use the one there but in the MA, no.  There is already a map with a dedicated GV area and it's a virtual ghost town, why?  If you guys have sucha woody to get your own area why is that you guy refuse to use the one that was provided to you on one of the maps?

Also, why be such hypocrits?  You guys want, nay, demand a seperate area in the MA so you can GV unmolested when the GV 'tards couldn't even extend the same courtesy to use furballers when we had our own little Fighter Town area.  Every retard that liked to GV or bomb was always bombing the hangers or mass GV assaults on the fields to ruin the fight because we furballers don't play like how you want us to.  Which is why the Fighter Town area was eventually removed from the map it was on, thanks to the retards in GVs and bombers.

There is also a hostile element to your posts, as evidenced by your using the loaded term "whine" to charactize someone else's opinion.  Maybe there's a past history to this discussion which I am missing. 


The "opinions" as you say from those that want this aren't more than thinly disguised "Play my way" whines that have been posted a thousand times over in the many years I've been playing AH and the OP's "opinion" is no different.


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