Ghastly when you do that can you still use that pinky button? Thats the complaint I have always heard is that using the pinky button and hat switch at the same time causes a hyper-extension pain in the thumb knuckle. One of my squaddies moved his hat switch because of that very thing. For me using the two together is the best way to use 16 views off the same hat but its an easy reach for me.
Seems like if it was a design flaw the easiest fix would be to make the trigger smaller and move that button up higher but I like the stick fine the way it is.
Not really. I did leave a cutout (not shown) that lets me press it if I want to, but the truth is that my fingers just don't stretch that far and it's too far of a reach. As for the hyper-extension pain, that for me pretty much describes using the stick for any length of time with my hand on the actual hand rest.
For accessing the angle up (as well as angle down, which you don't mention) views, I have 2 of the 4 buttons on the throttle back mapped as "look up" and "look down", and I use those as the "modifier" for the views the same way you do the pinkie switch.
I've heard nothing but good regarding the work Homeboy does, and the stuff he's posted looks great, but re-engineering the stick is not something you can do in a few minutes and then fly when you first get the stick, nor is it something that's going to leave your warranty intact.
I mostly just didn't want folks to go away thinking that it's a "big deal" to use the stick if your hands are too small for the handle, as is the case much of the time. It's real easy to address without voiding warranties, or the investment of a lot of time.