I try to avoid HOs as much as possible. There are times when you are low on E, turning and burning with an enemy, and someone flies straight into your face with guns ablaze. Situations like those mean that some HOs cant be avoided even when you try your damndest. In the MAs, expect everyone to HO you, even if the enemy doesnt. If you fly with that kind of mentality, you are basically training yourself to avoid the HO.
Why do I avoid HOs? The answer is quite simple. I want to challenge myself by using ACM and trying to either get on the enemy's six or to make a deflection shot. Basically I fly with the intention of getting excitement in a close, even fight. I could care less if I get the kill, or die for that matter. What matters the most to me is whether or not I used the correct ACM to win the fight.
To sum it up, people HO because they want a kill. People like me avoid HOs because they want the excitement of the fight- regardless of whether or not they score a victory in the engagement.