Who said anything about them using it on The West? This military display is more likely to be targeting weaker and more peacefull muslim factions in the area. Join us against The West or we can take your land anyhow. Join us against The West because with us, you stand more chance. Leaving Iran to develope over the last ten years has been pure lunacy on our part. Just because we can turn them to glass in minutes does not mean they could not significantly damage our infrastructure and population in the conflict.
Iran's growing power today is a direct result of our war in the Middle East, in my opinion. We have been screwing with the little fish while the pike has been feeding in peace. What did we expect? That the destructive example we set in Afganistan and Iraq would keep Iran behaving nicely? Show them what might happen if they get too big? No....all we have done is shown them what they will have to fight against if they expect to keep thier culture clean of the infidel's poisen. We have shown them what to expect and we have wasted a decade fighting while they prepare better to go out fighting.
Sure, this weapon might not be that great. But what it stands for is far more important. Iran clearly has enough time, money and freedom to even make this global display.
Our human race is heading for a major leap in evolution. Not long from now we will be colonising and farming other solar systems one way or another. There is only one way this goal is possible. That is by being united as one global nation. But this transition is not yet certain. Untill acceptance of different cultures is granted by all cultures to all cultures we will fail to coexist at the required level to meet these galactic ambitions.
Most of the world is getting in line with this. Even the Far East and West have started to learn to get along, albeit at a snail's pace currently. Those elite sects of violent religeous conflict that try to persist will be eliminated by the global nation that we are becoming. There is no question about this. The question is how much damage will the 'terrorists' inflict before we are free of human warfare on Earth? Are Iran even that outdated in culture today? Will Iran evolve to become part of the Human Empire or do they fear us too much? If they fear that we will do to them what we have done to their nieghbours, conflict is almost certain.