Author Topic: Anything new?  (Read 1146 times)

Offline Little Dragon

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Anything new?
« on: September 03, 2010, 12:15:29 PM »
before anyone says anything...YES i have read but there are some unanswered questions i still have. You see, my squad (125th Spartan Warriors) is VERY interested in trying new things as we normally just fly LW. We are eager to try some of the events that occur such as FSO, Ava, Scenarios etc. Anything coming up that there is room for us? I have looked into a few things but am having a hard time finding a big "SIGN UP HERE FOR THIS...."  sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your time.

Captain of the 125th Spartan Warriors--- SWkiljoy
I just noticed something.....
No wonder Grizz is so good. Living in virtual world must be way more exciting than living in Lincoln Nebraska.

Offline OOZ662

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 01:42:19 PM »
I think the only non-walkon-only events are Scenarios and FSO. Otherwise, you just show up. If you're a squad of more than three or four people, though, be ready to be split up for the smaller events.
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline Jenks

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 02:38:32 PM »
If you want to sign up for FSO go to this thread,147070.0.html

Scroll to the bottom, there are links.

And of course  here

Hope this helps.
MA  The Flying Circus
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2010, 06:03:16 PM »
First thing to realize is that these are all outside-of-the-official-game, endorsed-and-supported-by-the-official-game, community-organized-and-run events... in short, taking up the charge to pitch-in and contribute while putting your foot out there to begin communicating is the first step.  The events all have an organized structure and for the most part you just need to figure out who and where the person is you need to be in communication with to get you and/or your squad settup and ready to go.

As an individual:  You can walk-on (don't have to sign up) for FSOs, you just have to first find a FSO registered squad willing to host you by offering you one of their reserved/assigned rides for the night and operation.  You can also very much walk-on scenarios, there is a good 1hr to 30min window open before the event's start time that a CM hangs out and simply assigns walkons a country/unit/assignment.  The only "rule" is that you show up as a walk-on early enough to recieve an assignment before the event kicks off (and before we're all beyond the point of balancing teams, filling in single pilot slots, and we're all preparing to launch with our groups and carry out our missions on our objectives), so showup over 30 minutes before go-time and ask to be assigned a position you fancy, get an assignment and then go AFK and make some coffee or a sandwitch and come back 5-minutes before go-time to start meeting up and organizing with the rest of your assigned group and group leader.  You could also be active in the scenario community and stay tuned for when official registrations for scenarios open so you can register and secure a seat you desire for all the frames of that scenario.

As a group:  For FSOs you would want to organize a roster of pilots willing and able to participate for a month.  You then register your squad with that roster of players.  Difference between FSO and scenarios is that the number of registered pilots and actual turnout at go-time is heavily managed and calculated... so if say you have 12 pilots on your FSO roster, but only 8 show up each week, then you're going to get some heavy pressure put on you to showup with the 4 other pilots you said you would have (thus enter the walk-ons who ahead of time coordinate and find a squad willing (or in desperate need) to host them in a seat).  Scenarios are more loose and open roster wise, if one of your pilots can only make 1 or 2 of the 4 frames it's no problem, we (or your squad) will find some walk-on(s) to fill it out.  You also don't need to register in advance, just showup 30-min early on the date to get a walk-on assignement.  Registering is preffered though because then you get an assigned seat you're assured of and you can communicate with your team and group in the side forums.  Your squadies will each need to register independently for the scenario, but weather it's everyone doing what they want and where they want or if you all want to fly the same plane together in the same group is up to your squad and pilots.  Stay active here with the scenario community, findout what the next scenario to be hosted will be and get your squadies interested and agreed on what side and what ride you all want to fly with together as a one-squad single group.  When registration opens, get your squadies to register and then begin coordinating with the CO of your side (if you all want to fly together, they will most likely find you a group needing a commander and pilots to fill the roster.  Fill it up with your squadies and friends that registered, then fill up any open slots left with individual registered players looking for a desired seat.  This process is smoother when coordinated well at the start of registering and assigning groups for registered pilots in a scenario, simply because everything and anything is still available, so you most likely will land all the pilots you wanted in the desired seats you all wanted, with room to spare for others to fill in.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 06:10:47 PM by Babalonian »
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline daddog

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2010, 01:12:30 PM »
Difference between FSO and scenarios is that the number of registered pilots and actual turnout at go-time is heavily managed and calculated... so if say you have 12 pilots on your FSO roster, but only 8 show up each week, then you're going to get some heavy pressure put on you to showup with the 4 other pilots you said you would have ...
Not sure I would agree with the wording. :) Certainly FSO squads commit to a certain number of pilots each month and are held responsible for those numbers, but the breadth is quite wide allowing for squads attendance to fluctuate a significant amount.
Here are the choices C.O.'s have each month.


Squads are able to be above or below by 2 in each range category before they are considered outside acceptable limits. So for example if a small squad signed up for FSO they actually have a range of 2-8 pilots. The next size squad would have a range of 5-12. So as you can FSO is quite generous in the ranges allowed. Admin CM's design their FSO's on the above ranges, but squads are given some flexibility with the +2 or -2 range.

Another reason we have squads commit to a certain number of pilots each month is so we can keep sides balanced and when the Admin CM's design their FSO for that month and divide up the squads they base many elements of the design on the number of pilots attending. So it goes without saying attending FSO and staying within your numbers is important.
Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline Have

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2010, 02:08:55 PM »
before anyone says anything...YES i have read but there are some unanswered questions i still have. You see, my squad (125th Spartan Warriors) is VERY interested in trying new things as we normally just fly LW. We are eager to try some of the events that occur such as FSO, Ava, Scenarios etc. Anything coming up that there is room for us? I have looked into a few things but am having a hard time finding a big "SIGN UP HERE FOR THIS...."  sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your time.

Then there is the SEC event -

No signup needed, just show up in the Special Events Arena 2 on time. So when is the time? 3 PM EST on scheduled days and for September they are :
September 12th - frame 1
September 19th - frame 2
September 26th - frame 3

Here are the forums for the event:,440.0.html

Offline Brooke

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 04:58:50 PM »
We are eager to try some of the events that occur such as FSO, Ava, Scenarios etc. Anything coming up that there is room for us?


We invite you to fly in the next scenario, which is tentatively planned to have registration start in October.

Also, in addition to the more involved special events, there are the This Day in WWII events that run once per month.  The next one is Tuesday at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.  I know that's really late for East Coast, but there is another event on that day, and we don't want to conflict with it.  The one after that is on October 14.  All that is needed to lay in these is to show up and read the Arena Message for details.

Offline HB555

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2010, 07:59:58 PM »
Most Tuesday nights, in SEA I at 10:00 PM Eastern and 7:00 PM Pacific, we give you (and your people) a chance to test your skills flying low, fast, through Bomber Hangers, City Bridges, around Water Towers, Radar Towers, Shore Batteries and any number of other things during the Aces High eXtreme Air Racing League events.
Our threads,278.0.html will give you information on some things about us, as well as our home on ahevents,
We usually have the track we are going to race posted by Saturday, and all the information you may need to know to set up the arena off line to practice, if you wish, and we usually are able to have the actual track up in the SEA by Monday night, where you can practice with others.
While we are a walk on event, it certainly benefits everyone to practice before Tuesday night, to at least get a clue as to where you need to go, and what you need to do.
I said "most Tuesday nights" because in October, we are having just a fun night the 5th, a Season Finale Race the 12th (Can watch, but flying is by invitation only) our 68KO Cup Race the 19th (Again, fly by invitation, but watching is OK) and the 26th is another games night.
We actually begin Season 21 with Race 1 on the 2nd of November, and the plane choice for the night is the RV-8.
Yes, we'll race anything...even the smaller bombers.
Snoopy Bell

HB555 A gentleman, with a school boys heart, and crazy enough to think he is a cartoon dog.

Offline captain1ma

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Re: Anything new?
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2010, 09:32:14 AM »
the AVA has started the AVA challenge, whereby the AVA regulars take on any squad. it's an open event and walk-ons will be welcome and sides will be split evenly. our first event will be Tuesday September 28, 2010 starting at 930pm EST against the pigs on the wing. the day of the week will be flexible except for Fridays in the future so as not to interfere with the FSO. if you or your squad is interested feel free to contact me, via pm's, with any other questions you might have!    :salute