this subject has been brought up in previous threads, they have all ended badly!
personally i love the idea!! the better the player the more difficult the challenge so the more the points his hide should be worth.
to me this will also make the scorehores regret their tactics as the better their scores and ranking the more they will be worth so the more they will be hunted. so if they game the game to obtain their rank they will not have the skill set required to fend off all the other scorehores looking to pad their perkie pile with the carcasses of high ranker hides!!
personally i know that both Grizz and Agent enjoy killing the swarm, and both have the skill set required to accomplish it. i dont think either of them or any Muppet for that matter, will have an issue with crushing the hopes of the dweebs who are looking to obtain perkies.
in addition if the point value for killing players such as myself, who just down right sux, makes for a lower perk value for killing this will create a balance.
if HT took the base perkie ponts for the specific ride and then used the player flying it as a multiplier (be it a possitive or negative) i think this could be used to great effect. those with skills and value will be worth the killing and those that just hang with those who have skills and value (like me) will be allowed to fly away laughing as their squadies get hammered by the horde!!