Author Topic: UFO's real?  (Read 5977 times)

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2010, 01:53:37 PM »
Hey, if I was an alien visiting an other planet I would definitely make my self known by flashing bright lights over a trailer park  :rofl :rofl :rofl  Not to mention that I would always use a different type of space craft
Trailer park girls are awesome!! :rock :rock
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Offline Killer91

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2010, 02:39:35 PM »
I'm going to go out on a limb here. I don't know much about this stuff and it won't explain every UFO sighting.

Could it be possible that the radioactive material at the nuclear weapon storage sites is somehow reacting with the earth's magnetic field much like the Northern Lights?
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Offline FireDrgn

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2010, 04:04:08 PM »
They cant keep feeding on cattle blood .... If we knew they were here someone might posion them.  :devil
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Offline dedalos

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2010, 04:23:31 PM »
I'm going to go out on a limb here. I don't know much about this stuff and it won't explain every UFO sighting.

Could it be possible that the radioactive material at the nuclear weapon storage sites is somehow reacting with the earth's magnetic field much like the Northern Lights?

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Offline Mano

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2010, 04:54:05 PM »
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2010, 08:02:42 PM »

Here's my question, if there really is an alien species out there that can travel unfathomable distances through space, evade all our telescopes and radars and defense systems, why can't they ever turn off the damn lights!?

Honestly, if there are aliens they are going to think we're a stupid race that likes things shoved up our butt since they only seem to pick up the rednecks that live in trailer parks that liked to get probed.

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Offline Sundowner

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2010, 08:06:52 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)


(a Quinn Martin Production) :aok

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Offline saggs

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2010, 11:41:26 PM »
I find it interesting how some on this board always stick up for the military, and (rightly so) hold honest, hard working military personnel in the highest esteem.

That is until they come forward and talk about UFO's, and hypothesize that they might me of ET origin... ... ...

Then suddenly they are wackos, and nutjobs.  Remember these guys are USAF Captains, ( I think they know their military aircraft pretty well) who cannot explain what they, along with dozens of their subordinates, saw.  It bothers me that some dismiss all unexplainable phenomena away so quickly with the "wackos" or "rednecks in trailer parks" argument, without even bothering for one instance to consider the validity or credibility of their claims.  Always just the knee-jerk reaction of "Oh, he said UFO, he's a wacko."

For all you mockers I would ask you to seriously look into some of these instances.

JAL flight 1628 over Alaska.   UFO spotted by experienced airline pilots, it tailed them through several turns, tracked on military ground and airborne radar, even the FAA investigated it.

Or the famous Ohio UFO in the 60's which police chased/followed over several hours and counties.  I've read about other more recent similar cases, but I can't remember where they took place.

The UFO at Chicago O'Hare a few years ago.

These are just a few of the real good UFO cases.  I'll freely admit that most of the UFO hype IS BS, and there are a lot of wackos out there who make up stuff just to get attention.  But buried in all that BS there are also REAL unexplainable events, with multiple, reliable, credible sources.  

The military took UFO's very seriously for a while, they regarded it as a potential national threat and started project Blue Book with top scientists.  When they realized that they just could not explain away some of the sightings, they adopted the mock and ridicule tactic to diffuse public curiosity on the subject.  Obviously this worked well.

Don't be so quick to dismiss every case as simply wackos until you've at least looked into it a bit.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 11:42:57 PM by saggs »

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2010, 11:49:40 PM »
 But buried in all that BS there are also REAL unexplainable events, with multiple, reliable, credible sources.  

I don't think anyone is denying there are unexplained events, but that in of itself doesn't explain anything.

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Offline saggs

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2010, 12:04:53 AM »
I don't think anyone is denying there are unexplained events, but that in of itself doesn't explain anything.

I guess I'm just shocked to see some in here seemingly mocking these military personnel by association with trailer trash rednecks, wackos, and anal probes.

I think it would be neat to have a serious, grown up, conversation about this topic (UFO incursions of military sights).  But it seems most are just falling back on knee-jerk mocking, instead of actually thinking about it. 

The mentality seems to be:   "It happens, but I can't explain it, so rather then admit that, I'll just dismiss those who report it as wackos.    There... that's better, now I'm comfortable in my seemingly intellectual superiority"

So far Killer91 has been the only one to dare go out on a limb and offer an alternate possible explanation.

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2010, 12:12:02 AM »
I'm going to go out on a limb here. I don't know much about this stuff and it won't explain every UFO sighting.

Could it be possible that the radioactive material at the nuclear weapon storage sites is somehow reacting with the earth's magnetic field much like the Northern Lights?

I can't see how.  I don't think that that kind of radiation reacts with the magnetic field at all.  I mean the solar radiation that creates the Aurora is enormous by comparison.

Besides even if it did, it's not like the whole area is radioactive, only the warheads, which are quite small and shielded.  Otherwise you'd have a lot of very sick MPs.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 12:14:00 AM by saggs »

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2010, 12:17:42 AM »
What kind of conversation do you want us to have!?

What do we have to go off of?

Is Killer's post have any basis in science or is just mere speculation written up pretty? (Not meaning any offense Killer91, I just mean I don't know)

This has been in public conversation for decades, what more can we say?

Again, no one is saying these people didn't see something , but there really is a point you can only delve so deep into a story when all you have to go off of is a personal account.  There are still those things in the world we just cannot explain yet.  It's okay to have the unknown, no reason to fill that void with aliens.


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Offline saggs

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2010, 12:29:12 AM »
What kind of conversation do you want us to have!?

What do we have to go off of?

Is Killer's post have any basis in science or is just mere speculation written up pretty? (Not meaning any offense Killer91, I just mean I don't know)

This has been in public conversation for decades, what more can we say?

Again, no one is saying these people didn't see something , but there really is a point you can only delve so deep into a story when all you have to go off of is a personal account.  There are still those things in the world we just cannot explain yet.  It's okay to have the unknown, no reason to fill that void with aliens.

I agree, if you don't have a possible explanation than there is not much to say other then "I don't know."

So my point is, why all the jokes and mocking? 


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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2010, 12:49:39 AM »
saggs my doubt of the military people that come out with these stories is based on simplistic fact. let me give you 2 scenarios to pick from:

an alleged event happens at a nuclear weapons facility and the military labels this event as classified because the powers that be want to hide it. an "air force captain" comes out years later and talks about it..........

#1 that captain, who is retired now, gets pulled back into active duty and is court martialed and  goes to prison for the divulging of national secrets in a public forum. all of the film and any records of the event are seized and those who put him up to this devulgance are charged as co-conspirators soon to be doing 5 years in prison themselves.

#2 UFO hounds find some former officer or soldier who was stationed in a possibly interesting place, such as a nuclear weapons facility, and they make a monetary offer to this person to corroborate some story that someone else allegedly told to the UFO hounds. now this former officer or soldier has no idea about any of the alledged events and has never been ordered to keep his/her mouth shut on the matter nor have they been required to sign a secrecy agreement on the matter. they do some general checking on the possible secrecy status of the story to be sure they are not breaking any laws first, when they realize its all just BS and they wont get into trouble they take the free money and spit out whatever story they were asked to corroborate because they are not looking at prison time.

which version to you seems far more plausible??????

now as a lil bit of basis for my theory i will tell you this, my father works in the private sector of the military weapons industry. he has security clearance that would allow him to walk in and take toys off the shelf, not just read a brief report on what something may potentially do. so when he sees these guys coming out and telling these stories he laughs, and his only remark is this "if he is in custody tomorrow then maybe there was a little truth in what he said, otherwise its a lie and the military is playing a joke on the village idiots".

my father wont even say the last names of civilians who work with him, when the military decides something is a secret then that is all there is to it. nobody, especially a soldier of any rank, whether on active inactive or retired duty status, may divulge even the smallest aspect of the event to the public. violation of this is subject to federal, and in the case of military personnel, military law. so even if you are giving up the absolute truth about having dinner with ET himself and providing pictures and video of the event, you are still violating military and federal laws and YOU WILL GO TO PRISON.

when it comes to secrets they dont look at what you are disclosing, that is irrelevant, they are only concerned with the fact that you are disclosing.

as to the rest of the conversation about the existance of ET....well i will give you your dues and agree by saying "i dont know".

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Offline saggs

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Re: UFO's real?
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2010, 01:40:43 AM »
I'm not saying these guys are genuine, they may be liars, who knows, But I can refute points from both your scenarios:

#1 that captain, who is retired now, gets pulled back into active duty and is court martialed and  goes to prison for the divulging of national secrets in a public forum. all of the film and any records of the event are seized and those who put him up to this devulgance are charged as co-conspirators soon to be doing 5 years in prison themselves.

Why would the military brass bother pulling him back for a court martial?  This would only lend credence to his story, when, if they just ignore it completely they know that 80% of the public will simply think he is a crazy nutjob and the story dies out quickly.  Imagine if the military does pull him in for a court martial, then the media is all over the UFO story because it suddenly has new found credibility.

#2 UFO hounds find some former officer or soldier who was stationed in a possibly interesting place, such as a nuclear weapons facility, and they make a monetary offer to this person to corroborate some story that someone else allegedly told to the UFO hounds.

Cause I'm sure that all these wacko UFO hounds are rolling in the $$$$ and have hundreds of thousands to throw around bribing USAF personnel.

now this former officer or soldier has no idea about any of the alledged events and has never been ordered to keep his/her mouth shut on the matter nor have they been required to sign a secrecy agreement on the matter. they do some general checking on the possible secrecy status of the story to be sure they are not breaking any laws first, when they realize its all just BS and they wont get into trouble they take the free money and spit out whatever story they were asked to corroborate because they are not looking at prison time.

But why?  Why would these UFO conspirators do this.  They're not coming forward themselves, they get no notoriety.  What is there motive for supposedly bribing folks to corroborate fake stories?  Money? nope, you say they are losing money.  Power? nope, they get no position or esteem from it.  Ego? nope, the folks they bribe get all the attention.  Your logic is missing a key element.... motive.

Lastly, I said before I met a man who was a lowly MP at Minot, ND in the 80's during a UFO incursion.  He told me about it around the campfire one night.  I trust him because I have no reason not to.  He is not selling his story, he's never been on late night AM radio, he gets no notoriety from it, he is not a wacko or mentally ill, (he is a civilian DOD contractor now.)  After the incident he said there was no threatening to keep quiet, or men in black, or secrecy acts to sign.  It happened, it was weird, they talked about during their long boring shifts for a while, eventually there was nothing more to talk about, end of story.

Anyways, I respect your, and your father's opinions, and I feel they have some validity, like I said most of it is probably is BS phony stuff.  

But I don't think it all is.  Look at the JAL 1628 incident, did someone bribe all those pilots, and radar operators too?  The FAA obviously thought it had some credence.  Or the police officers, they had to have been all bribed beforehand to set it all up, since their radio calls as they chased it are all on tape.  What about former AZ governor Fife Symington, he already has lots and lots of money, they must have given him a really humongous bribe.  And what about what I personally saw?  No one bribed me, and I have been mocked for it, oh well, I'm over it.

In this instance I will concede that it is entirely possible that these guys made it all up for the attention or whatever reason.  But still you just can't dismiss all UFO phenomena as liars or wackos.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 01:56:09 AM by saggs »